I have had multiple problems since purchaseing my 2.0 litre Freelander (2000), the latest of which resulted in rebuilding the IRD. Originaly the mechanic said it could either cost £1200 to Diff, Prop and IRD. He then said that if I was thinking of getting rid, he could just remove prop and turn it into a two wheel drive for £50. As I bought the car for £4000 and have spent £3200 in less than 18 mnths, I went for the £50 option. He then rang me and said that the teeth were so badley damaged this was not possible. He could turn it into two wheel drive but would have to bulid a new IRD. When I picked it up £700 later I had a leak and the back wheels felt wobbly and the gear stick seemed to be jumping. He told me that he did not touch the wheels or gear box. It is now leaking transmission fluid and not pulling in second gear. I am waiting for him to come and look it over. Am I right in thinking he should be sorting this out
Do you know what he has actually removed from underneath ? If the back wheels feel wobbly has he removed the back driveshafts as well as the prop shaft ?
firstly your a woman! your bound to have problems! was you really a man before you bought a gaylander then became a woman shortly after purchase? :rolleyes:

nah take it back to whoever donet he rebuild, seems like yer probs started there! ;) not up on freelanders sorry so hope this helps till someone else replies.
yes job shd be fit for purpose - but he will say he dint touch it and it will cost ya more. Minge is yo man - he is an exputt on hippoo gearboxes. Yo best bet is most likely second hand.

£3200 aint nuffink - yu got a long way to go to match some of the other (former) Hippoo owners.
so yu is saying yu paid out 2300 in repairs and yu now have a hippoo with a gubbered ird, vcu, rear diff at least?

expensive toys - these Hippoos, aint they?
it werent meant that way - they is just a huuuuuuuuge munneypit - thas all - as most of us wot had one, will testify.
No he was saying the teeth on the diff were worn. Hes just phoned me back and said the leak is diesel but doesn't know where its coming from

Trading standards or check which guild the garage is with and report it. Failing that a little leak to the local free paper. If he still refuses to budge a real naughty one is to put a big sheet up outside for everyone to see when they close saying thanks for pinching my wheel spacers or something similar. (It certainly looses them creditation).
Trading standards or check which guild the garage is with and report it.

it's much more fun to ring them up asking for their full trading name as they are about to be the subject of a legal claim for loss of earnings due to their negligence and incompetance

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