
New Member
hi every1 im new to all this
i am after places yo off road in north yorkshire
mainly around northallerton and thirsk, and dose any 1 know if langdale quest has closed down or not as i cant find a web site

many thanks boss lloyd
I suggest we follow rattys suggestion and suggest we have as suggestions forum so that Gerty can suggest we suggest a forum for off roading that, as a suggestion, could i suggest be named off road forum? just a suggestion.
I suggest we follow rattys suggestion and suggest we have as suggestions forum so that Gerty can suggest we suggest a forum for off roading that, as a suggestion, could i suggest be named off road forum? just a suggestion.

Gosh!!! Wot a marvlee-arse suggestion!!!! :D

Now who's gonna suggest it? :p
I dont know who to suggest...perhaps we need a suggest a suggestion suggested suggestion forum?
Hehe....I think what everyone is trying to tell you is read through the forum. If you go to the Off Roading section and go through all the threads, you'll find one for your area.

I could reccomend getting your sat nav to take you to Crackpot and up over the pass.......did it by accident a few years back and it was a fantastic few hours!

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