everybody bring cameras and take loads of pics of Rach and Rosie just to wind them up

that's what zoom lenses were invented for, lol

I will just say u took the pics, ;);)

just make sure u have the engine running

was thinking would I be allowed to get to the front of the greenlaning tour plse , so I can then set my camera up as the landies come through, yeh I know well away from water, safe in knowing that none of u would ever dream of soaking me in water , :)

not allowed to use the excuse either of i don't know where the mud came from , :):)
I seem to remember putting up a wall of shame last year. If anyone gets stuck whilst out laning there vehicle must be photographed in its predicament so that I can put it on the big screen for everyone to see again. Oh and didn't we also decide on another rule last year. Any vehicle that gets stuck in the camping field must be recovered by means of a freelander.
Drover will be GoPro equipped - don't know yet if it'll be roof, bonnet, side mounted... but it'll have constant power feed thanks huge battery packs coupled to a 5m USB extension lead and a heavily butchered case wrapped in finest Chinese silicone.

Also have LED light bar for it should night time shenanigans need filming!

I'll also be bringing my big flight case of GoPro mounts and things so if any other GoPro'rs need a mount or screw or owt - we should be covered. I think the SJCams use similar/same bits so.... offer stands for those peeps too!

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