
D3 Grandad
Full Member
hope u don't mind me asking but just wondering are many of us bringing cameras plse

plus at the end of the day who should the pictures etc be given to over the weekend plse

do u normally show them over a screen to everyone etc ????

hope u don't mind me asking but just wondering are many of us bringing cameras plse

plus at the end of the day who should the pictures etc be given to over the weekend plse

do u normally show them over a screen to everyone etc ????


As long as I don't get on one, this sounds fun.

I hearby give absolutely no permission what's so ever to anyone to take a photo of me. I don't want my elongated snozzle and chin on a big screen. And I'll look grumpy cos I can't smile on photos. Oh and bigger than the marquee you will be showing it in.

yep no photos of me either!

I will just be taking photos of the laning and landies on my whey-iphone to put on facebook pages - to show off the event for next year :)
yep no photos of me either!

I will just be taking photos of the laning and landies on my whey-iphone to put on facebook pages - to show off the event for next year :)

Yeah but but but you're like thin! And pretty! Oh go on,

OK, can we take photos when you fall out of a tree or get tangled in the tent ropes or something, then more when they are carting you into the thambulance?
I seem to remember one clip being shown again and again last year:rolleyes:

I'm sure Ponty won't mind it being shown again. For those who weren't there, it invulves a ford, a hand held go-pro and a very great deal of water:D
We will prolly bring the gopro for laning, and maybe the SLR cos it will last a weekend without charging it.
Yeah but but but you're like thin! And pretty! Oh go on,

OK, can we take photos when you fall out of a tree or get tangled in the tent ropes or something, then more when they are carting you into the thambulance?

I'm not thin... I'm sturdy... And not very photogenic! But yeah take photos of me when I'm injuring myself just don't post them on Facebook, dad doesn't need to know... He was there when I fractured my jaw and he wasn't impressed :lol:
Keep reminding myself
I better not take any pictures until I meet Rosie.
I better not take any pictures until I meet Rosie.
I better not take any pictures until I meet Rosie.
I better not take any pictures until I meet Rosie.

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