ok paint arrived today, so been a bit busy outside doing some priming....




when scraping the **** of chassis yesterday this is what i found






cheap and simple work there (for someone who knows lol) - not sure if to just buy two outriggers and stick em on or weld a plate on....

going to need to take the bumper off too so i can get a closer look at the ends to see how bad it is there......

right that sounds like a brill idea (and no niel not the beer tokens lol)... it sounds like a date to me... all round my place, couple of beers, chin wag, all having a small section of me beast to work on, overnight accom, breakfast next morn and then you can all fick off lol.....
but seriously, why not, not had anyone take the **** out of me yet for taking on this job...... and besides i think i need a bit of moral support.....
we could get ukakita up too and maybe rhino...

what you doing this saturday then :D:D i just might ave the day te meself
well other than listening to football on radio and doing some bits and bats on the truck, will be at home (unless our lass has other ideas)...... just drop us a line if its deffo and anyone else wants to come pm me for my address
Cheers for the thought, It'd be nice to have a change of view and vehicle plus some decent conversation, but I won't be able to make it :(

Glad yer plodding on tho fella ! Yer making a good steady progress AND you've managed to start on the paint.

P.S mite be worth just replacing the outriggers IMHO, but it may look worse than it is
cant do this sat b20, got a weekend full o kids parties. (wacky wharehouse:D)
week after may be good tho. will confirm nearer the date.
ok not a lot done today as had visitors over... the meet tomorrow is not going ahead but i would like to invite anyone and everyone who would like to meet up next saturday for tea, coffee and biccies a chin wag and swap expertise etc...
already a few coming so pass it round to all the landy lovers... pm me for details if ya wanna come.......
ok not a lot done today as had visitors over... the meet tomorrow is not going ahead but i would like to invite anyone and everyone who would like to meet up next saturday for tea, coffee and biccies a chin wag and swap expertise etc...
already a few coming so pass it round to all the landy lovers... pm me for details if ya wanna come.......

ill be there next weekend mate i ts a good thing that it wasnt tomorrow anyway as the flooded ford focus i had to check out turned out to be cylinder 1 kicked a leg out and it needs a new engine pronto ( car belongs to a local hardcase):eek::eek::eek:
ffs - buy him a new car quick lol

ive got word out all over mank that im lookin for an engine for it hes even getting a few of his mates on the lookout aswell as its a gift for his daughters 18th in 2 weeks

what the plan actually is if we cant find a 1600 16v engine were gonna put a 1400 16v in instead and change the logbooks accordingly so itll be on the cheap tax bracket for her

so if anyone knows where i can find a second hand focus engine on a 07 plate give me a shout desperately :D:D:D
ok not a lot done today as had visitors over... the meet tomorrow is not going ahead but i would like to invite anyone and everyone who would like to meet up next saturday for tea, coffee and biccies a chin wag and swap expertise etc...
already a few coming so pass it round to all the landy lovers... pm me for details if ya wanna come.......
pm will come later in week, still ok at mo, but **** kinda just happens over here.....:rolleyes:
ok niel no problems..... hopefully get a few more too, do you think i should put an open invite in general chat????
today has been a bit of a disaster, both drill and angle grinder blown (what the odds of that happening in space of an hour), lost some of me spanners and socket heads, only managed to sand a little but did put a top coat on wheel hub (red) and i dont like it....
got outbid at last second on a pair of outriggers
missus wont let my buy some gas shocks on ebay for £100 (biatchhhhhhhh)
did buy a heater for my workshop (£25) but cant pick it up for a week or two.....
anything else to go wrong wont happen today as i am going to bed early.........
what do you think about air compressors and tools to work on the landy??? spraying, bolt loosner, sander etc etc???
Gutted to hear you've had a down day - they hit hard when they come! But at least it makes the productive days feel that much sweeter ;)

Regarding compressor & air tools, unless you've got a decent area to spray in - i.e. a sealed workshop or relatively dust free indoor area, it's pointless, your better off rolling the paint on. I never cease to be amazed at just how good roller paint jobs can be on a Land Rover! Insects, dusts, contamenants, air moisture etc etc etc will just ruin a spray job if your not careful.

Air tools can help and make some jobs slightly less exhausting, but arn't really needed. The money you'd spend on a compressor & basic air tools would be far better spent on getting some decent hand tools in my opinion. My rebuild has been done without any specialist tools, only used the compressor for spraying.

thanks for that, so far it has been basic tools but finding it harder and harder so going to go shoppping for a few more spanners and sockets... tried to find pictures of your restoration but couldnt, you got any, where you from>
Oh i've not posted any pictures. Nearly finished though, started her last June, nut & bolt rebuild - galvanised chassis, galvanised bulkhead, parabolic suspension, rebuilt gearbox... (the usual really..)

Not doing too bad, only bodywork left to do is the Bonnet & Rear door. All bodywork's been carried out off the vehicle. Then it's just a complete re-wire and fitting the usual gizmo's back on.

Pain has been the fact I go to university in north wales & parents live down in south devon, only time I get to work on her is in holidays when i'm back. Only me doing it - like most of us on here (!) - So the hours are pretty intense when i'm home! What a way for a twenty year old to spend his careless youth!
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today has been a bit of a disaster, both drill and angle grinder blown (what the odds of that happening in space of an hour), lost some of me spanners and socket heads, only managed to sand a little but did put a top coat on wheel hub (red) and i dont like it....
got outbid at last second on a pair of outriggers
missus wont let my buy some gas shocks on ebay for £100 (biatchhhhhhhh)
did buy a heater for my workshop (£25) but cant pick it up for a week or two.....
anything else to go wrong wont happen today as i am going to bed early.........
what do you think about air compressors and tools to work on the landy??? spraying, bolt loosner, sander etc etc???

Down days are ****ters >:/
If your wanting air tools you'll need a compressor with high CFM and a decent sized receiver that'll cope with a long discharge. Impat gun, HVLP gun, degreaser, air chisel the list of stuff goes on :D Have a look on MachineMArt or Screwfix.... it's not really worth it, I agree with Matt wholeheartedly.
.....I can't bring myself to say it, but **gets a little sick in mouth** Halfords had a good sized compressor a few weeks ago **blooorrrrkkkkkkkk**:puke:

Chin up dude. I'd offer to come up and help ya blitz some work, but i'm too feckin far away.

If yer down about it, take a day or two off the build, and chill for a bit - works wonders for the ol' morale.
Here's some suggestions:

Spend some time indoors, Fondle a woodland creature, vandalise a Freelander,throw pretend poo at passers by from the window while making monkey noises, write a stern letter to the local council about the state of said freelander, put salt in the sugar bowl, paint your bum cheeks red and moon the wife.......
Down days are ****ters >:/
If your wanting air tools you'll need a compressor with high CFM and a decent sized receiver that'll cope with a long discharge. Impat gun, HVLP gun, degreaser, air chisel the list of stuff goes on :D Have a look on MachineMArt or Screwfix.... it's not really worth it, I agree with Matt wholeheartedly.
.....I can't bring myself to say it, but **gets a little sick in mouth** Halfords had a good sized compressor a few weeks ago **blooorrrrkkkkkkkk**:puke:

Chin up dude. I'd offer to come up and help ya blitz some work, but i'm too feckin far away.

If yer down about it, take a day or two off the build, and chill for a bit - works wonders for the ol' morale.
Here's some suggestions: :blabla:gonna take a day off, to regenerate and read the manuals and work out how to get these stubbern hard to reach siezed in bolts out.....

Spend some time indoors, Fondle a woodland creature, vandalise a Freelander,throw pretend poo at passers by from the window while making monkey noises, write a stern letter to the local council about the state of said freelander, put salt in the sugar bowl, paint your bum cheeks red and moon the wife.......
:Di dont get many passers by my prison cell lol, already do the monkey noises all day every day.....WIFE WIFE what the bluddy hell is one of them, not going there ever again.......

i will get through this i am sure. a bit of reading and searching for things on ebay that i cant affordlol - wont get compressor will just spend money on the bits for lkandy thats needed
ok not a lot done this week, just a few bits off, scraping and cleaning etc - so this is what it looks like so far
note the new rust prevention method adopted by landrover uk (gaffer tape??)







nope even tho it look nice and tidy on the chassis, its not, its still cacked with much of some sort so been attacking that again today, even managed to put some primer/rust stuff on it, again tomorrow going to only do a bit (maybe front axle and steering rods off - but even tho it only looks like a couple of bolts here and there (lol) a bit nervous.
is it best to put the wheels back on for easy moveing? what about the rear springs and shocks, can i take them off without axle stands? going to take the axle off too eventually (depending what happens to the front.

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