Get heaver... I wish. Lived in North wales for year and snow everywhere else. Moved to London then North Wales gets snow and London none. Move back and round we go again. Always in the wrong place! Not fair.... SANTA... "I want snow for xmas please. Proper snow!"
Haha, good effort! How did you get it out??

Hamster - that is a serisouly icy car park!

It was a bit tricky. The road was so slippery that as soon as I got out I fell over.

Managed to get it facing back up the hill but just couldn't get any traction - even touching it made it slide backwards! Eventually someone came up the hill on snowchains and they had a spade which allowed me to chip enough ice away to get moving. Once moving it was fine. Phew.
Well I made it to work in the classic no problem and picked up may mate on the way in.

Excellent to finally have snow, I parked it inside at work to deforst it all properly , one of my lads offered to mop up the wet floor for me and he dried the car off too and then we all got told to take the rest of the day off:D

Best part was it gave me time to take my Mum accross to the hospital in the snow to look after my Gran who is in there at the moment with serious problems. The rangy is earning its keep!


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1 big empty field, 1 foot of snow, 1 sled, 1 range rover, 3 retards with no sense of self preservation.

game on.

pics a bit later hopefully :D
pay her to deliver it and take her back.

I cant wait till these idiots in the jap crap and franch ****e get off the road and out of the way, they are the hold up!
Btw , the "L" plate worries me a bit

and what are those two boxes in yer front garden? :p
Btw , the "L" plate worries me a bit

and what are those two boxes in yer front garden? :p

That was back in feb. My learner car was a 30v 2.8 quattro with no silencers.

all paid for by my hard work.:)

deposit paid just sortin the rest of the cash out..dont really want to give all the money over just incase Im seen -off.
So you going up to get it when the weather clears?

well as soon as I can!!!
did buy a 4x4 to sit in the front garden like half the ****ers round here:rolleyes:

hopefully we have a load in jan and feb.... Charitible donations accepted for towing:D:D;)
Okay - admittedly not off road but here are a few.

The in-car shots are heading down my road yesterday midday. It's steep enough and slushy enough at the bottom to have defeated a Disco 300TDi today, which is now parked around the corner at the bottom. I doubt anything other than a 4x4 has been up since Tuesday evening.

The Rangie strolled up yesterday (although a Disco3 and a current model Grand Cherokee made it too).

Today it was slushy enough that the gentlest touch on the brakes going down got it sliding; I also exercised the traction control on the way up, but it still hardly broke sweat...proof I made it out is the two roadside shots near Rochester airport...proof I made it back is this post..!!


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