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OK - Pics here for all who asked for them :p (and yes, my horse really is called Moony :D) Landy Zone Pics - Shared photo album - PhotoBox

I've plugged the laptop in to the car and have got them talking. It initializes and gives the correct info (no 28's or 80's)

I've done the unlock, then stop, then unplug and start engine and the suspension still wont go up or down :( The 35mph max warning comes up whilst connected, then once disconnected it goes off but the EAS wont go up or down.
Something has happened as I've reconnected the pump and that's warm so has clearly been working.

I've tried clicking the faults button, the only fault it's coming up with is that the car has moved? (which I can assure you it hasnt!)

Anyone advise??......:confused:
Have you tried filling the Tank as it may be empty - can take 15 to 20 minutes to fill...

Turn the engine on and let it run whilst leaving a door or the tailgate open, as this will run compressor to fill the tank without it trying to raise the car too....

Another check would be to check the output from the compressor....unbolt from the housing, and disconnect the blue pipe from the run the car, and the compressor should be running, put your thumb over the compressor outlet you shouldn't be able to stop the flow from coming out due to pressure...if you can or it seems weak, the compressor seal or liner is shot....(this test comes courtesy of Wammers (c)2012 - I promised I would credit him when I mention it :) )

If after checking the compressor output and allowing it to fill the tank, close the doors and tail and see if it raises now we know the tank should be full....

If the system doesn't rasie and the output from the pump is fine, it is time to see if it is actually storing air in the tank by fitting a pressure gauge to the tank side of the system and checking the pressure....

If it is holding pressure in the tank, I would summise either a valve block overhaul or a driver pack issue....
You have to follow the correct sequence. Start the EAS software and plug it all in, turn on the ignition and initialise the software, you should get a green "Good Idle" on the EAS screen and the "Slow 35mph" message on the dash. If you look at the software, you can turn the pump on and off in the functions tab. In the calibrate tab you can tell the EAS to "Go to" standard height etc. I take it you did clic the "Unlock EAS" button? When you have finished you must stop the EAS software before you turn off the ignition. If all is OK next time you turn on it should be in normal mode. As Saint said, if the air tank is empty it can take 15 minutes to re fill, do this with a door open then when you close the door it should rise. I can talk you through it on the phone if it would help.
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Thanks Both :) Datatek - I'll have another go. Should I try and fill the tank before or after trying the diagnostic software again? (My concern is that the pump doesnt seem to be running at the moment?....)

A chat on the phone would be wonderful - Do you have Skype? We've set aside tomorrow to try and get the fault identified - If you are around that would be super :)
Thanks Both :) Datatek - I'll have another go. Should I try and fill the tank before or after trying the diagnostic software again? (My concern is that the pump doesnt seem to be running at the moment?....)

A chat on the phone would be wonderful - Do you have Skype? We've set aside tomorrow to try and get the fault identified - If you are around that would be super :)

I'll PM you with a phone number, do NOT phone me with Skype, cost me a bloody fortune the last person that used it, I get stung for incoming calls, it would be cheaper for me to phone you!

You have to be methodical. Use the software as I described to turn the pump on and check it's working, if that's OK stop the software, turn the ignition off un plug, then start the car, the EAS on the dash should have the bottom light on solid and the normal light flashing, if that is correct, leave it to idle for 15 minutes with the door open, then close the door and if the compressor is making air and there are no leaks it should rise:)
You could do worse than go to and read up on how to use the software or read the PDF file on the CD I sent you:)
Thanks Datatek, I've done as you suggested and the pump will turn on and off - I'm just waiting now for the 15 mins to go by to see if the compressor will fill the tank. I've been reading the pdf as I've gone along (Not terribly well it would seem!)
Will PM you later to propose a time to call you - Thanks again
Right - I sat out my 15 minutes, closed the door and nothing, Light went back to flashing and the suspension didnt rise. Husband was keeping an eye on the pump and it doesnt seem to be cutting in at all. At the end of the 15 minutes it was cold to the touch. It runs happily when the software tells it too, just not when the 'brain' should be telling it too?.....
Right - I sat out my 15 minutes, closed the door and nothing, Light went back to flashing and the suspension didnt rise. Husband was keeping an eye on the pump and it doesnt seem to be cutting in at all. At the end of the 15 minutes it was cold to the touch. It runs happily when the software tells it too, just not when the 'brain' should be telling it too?.....
Did you test the pressure switch??

Also did you bridge the Thermal cutout in the manner the Wammer (hee hee it rhymes) said...??

Strip a bit of insulation back on the orange/black(? - check with the Wammer first) wire and place a fly lead to earth....

The multiplug must still be connected hence the reason to strip a bit of insulation off...

If it runs with this bridge, it indicates the thermal cutout is shagged - it is built into the armature end of the compressor so could be considered non-replacable unless you are quite a handy-andy with fiddly stuff....
Thanks Saint - Have had a lovely conversation with Datatek and it would seem that we have a broken wire and a bad air leak. I've orderd Gen II Arnotts and will spend next weekend fitting them and then testing the system. Fingers crossed all will work as I've sold my trusty disco today :)
hello can any one help to tell me how to locate the pressure switch that works the air suspension on a range rover l322 o5 thanks jim

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