
Hi all,

I've started a few threads on here (to ask for help and advice) since i bought my discovery 2 2004 td5 a couple of months ago.

To cut a long story short ive just had a new cylinder head, fitting kit from Turner fitted and a master cylinder and something else on the clutch (details to follow)

Can anyone tell me if theres anything i should keep an eye on or if theres a procedure for running in a new head?

Thanks in advance
I would just do a daily check on oil and water for the 1st week . And a general check on anything else under hood to make shaw nothings coming lose or rubbing . After the rebuild .
Dave's advice above is really important, these alloy engines need their cooling systems spotlessly clean to keep up the high rate of heat extraction needed, especially on the V8, but just as important for the TD5.

OAT isn't cheap, but buy genuine and keep it up to strength.

If you've seen the innards of a corroded V8 system, you'll know why.

Thanks for the advice from everyone

Sadly i didnt hear from my mechanic on sat so im assuming that something wasnt right on the test drive.

Will pop over and see him on Monday and get an update
Hello again

Ive had an update from my mechanic regarding the test drive.

It had an oil leak so he is stripping it out again to reseal it hopefully this will sort that out.

He also said that it had a severe lack of power so he disconnected the air flow sensor and it improved (i think ive got that the right way round?) so will probably replace that aswell.

Now heres the sad bit for me, he also said the steering doesnt feel great the heater radiator has a small leak. Basically he said ive bought a ten year old motor that has got other issues even though ive spent £3000 on it already. Looks like ive gone and bought a real crap car.

Im seeing him tomorrow so I should have more info
Hello again

Ive had an update from my mechanic regarding the test drive.

It had an oil leak so he is stripping it out again to reseal it hopefully this will sort that out.

He also said that it had a severe lack of power so he disconnected the air flow sensor and it improved (i think ive got that the right way round?) so will probably replace that aswell.

Now heres the sad bit for me, he also said the steering doesnt feel great the heater radiator has a small leak. Basically he said ive bought a ten year old motor that has got other issues even though ive spent £3000 on it already. Looks like ive gone and bought a real crap car.

Im seeing him tomorrow so I should have more info

I really feel for you mate, sounds like Discovery ownership has not been the greatest pleasure for you.

The only words of consolation I can offer is that perhaps if you could start to do some of the work yourself you could: A. save money & B. learn more about your vehicle.

I'm sure it's not the case here, but some garages are not always THE best at diagnosing problems, so they work on the "replace a bit and see" principle. Unfortunately you have to pick up the bill for their lack of diagnostic competence.

The best of luck to you,

if its any consolation. with the help and advice on here, you can fix most problems yourself.:)
Good luck mate. I'm pretty new to the LR scene myself and am hoping over the course i'll learn how to do most jobs myself. At the end of the day it's just a big mechano set and I was ok playing with those as a kid.
How good are with the spanners?

Before i got onto here I really wasn't up to much with them, but with the right guidance and support Im happy to tackle anything on mine now, and i mean anything.

The disco isnt that complicated really and you have a mine of information here all you have to do is ask, I can promise you, you arent the only one to have had any particular problem first so there is always somebody who can help.

Good luck with it mate, chin up once they are running well enough there is no better motor to be in:D
Yeah chin up, get stuck into it yourself, it's fun learning about them and they are fairly easyish to repair, I try to do most of my repairs myself.
I paid a lot if money for an 04 low miles disco 2 years ago, had one or two problems but nothing major yet,
Hello again

Ive had an update from my mechanic regarding the test drive.

It had an oil leak so he is stripping it out again to reseal it hopefully this will sort that out.

He also said that it had a severe lack of power so he disconnected the air flow sensor and it improved (i think ive got that the right way round?) so will probably replace that aswell.

Now heres the sad bit for me, he also said the steering doesnt feel great the heater radiator has a small leak. Basically he said ive bought a ten year old motor that has got other issues even though ive spent £3000 on it already. Looks like ive gone and bought a real crap car.

Im seeing him tomorrow so I should have more info

New to it all myself, but it seems some faults are pretty much standard to me. Had to have a few jobs done on mine, and I have only had it a few weeks as well.


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