
New Member
Was there ever a petrol FBH specified for Disco 2? I've got a V8, and I'd really like to plumb in a heater since our winters can get quite cold, and she lives outdoors with no power nearby. I know there was a diesel version, but I can't find mention of a petrol one.

never seen a petrol one (not saying they dont exist, but never seen them) petrols usually heat up quick enough to not need a supplementary heater.
in places that get cold enough to need them on a petrol, its usually cold enough to need night heaters in the block/electric preheaters.
in places that get cold enough to need them on a petrol, its usually cold enough to need night heaters in the block/electric preheaters.

Well, sometimes it's cold/humid enough to make the first ten minutes of a journey uncomfortable and a FBH would make sure the system was warmed before the engine starts. I know an electric heater would be cheaper and easier, but as I say she lives outdoors and there is no socket nearby.
i've bought and retrofitted a Thermo top C to my diesel but the guy has petrol modells too, they are exactly the same shape, also this was the type which was factory fitted by LR and i'm sure the setup is the same too, they are full kit reconditioned units but almost like new at a IMO good price... the shop is in Poland but works with Royal mail and safe delivery... check this out,webasto-thermo-top-c-b-12v-petrol-50kw
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where the factory fitted was missing;), RH side on the bulkhead(mine is LHD though)... there must be the place for the mounting bracket there, but not sure how it is on a V8

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