hello there,

I need some help from the proffesionals to get my 2.25 good running again..

This summer it got registred and ran 400 km without any problem ,starting fine and never missed a beat.

The day after some offroading i had the choke which wouldnt open , which described why it ran very bad. I couldn't figure out at that moment why it was runing like that but i had to get home....

So i gave the carb a rebuild and found out the choke cable was knackered too and the carb was full of crap and mud.. (the air filter (oil model) too)

Now it starts fine but only on 3 cylinders. At higher revs it sometimes is running on all 4 .
Driving on the roads is not a good idea because it accelerates very bad.

Timing is set static at 5° BTDC (24 volt ignition, no vaccum advance)
new sparks
carb: weber 34IHC
comperssion is good , all around 150 psi...
i also have redone the valve clearences.

I would be very pleased if you could give me some advise
thank you
Have you changed the plugs/leads?

That was my thought. If you were deep enough in mud to fill the carb (!) you've probably knackered the electrics too. I'd be looking at plugs/leads, coil, distributer. Luckily nothing particularly difficult on a 2.25. Oh, take a look at the timing too, you can do it by loosening the distributer body and twisting until it sounds right, I wouldn't bother with a timing light. And just because the flywheel SAYS 5°, doesn't mean it IS. I had a number of Series 2 petrol and diesel units, and none of them were accurate. All timing was done by ear.
plugs are brand new , i have to check if the leads are ok...
has there to be no resistence when checking them with a multimeter??
coil and dizzy are from the belgium army and waterproof (24 volt ignition)
Thank you problem sorted out now, cleaned points and rewired ht leads to distributor.
Took it out today and runs fine except that i might advance timing to get more power out of her.

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