
Stopped at a garage recently and a guy was having a flap because he had put 20 ltrs of petrol in his empty tank. The cheapest he could find someone to drain his tank was £185 incl. vat. Told him not to move his freelander and went home, grabbed an old Vectra fuel pump, 25ltr can, some wire and two lengths of hose. Got back, towed his car away from the pumps with my freelander, rigged up the Vectra pump and connected one hose at his fuel filter and one into the can with the pump in the middle. Had him empty in about 10 minutes. Towed him back to the pumps. He filled up with deisel, primed the system and all has been well for him since. £185 my arse!!! Rip off merchants!
Couldhe have just brimmed it with dezul? Wots a gaylander tank hold sixty litres?
Stopped at a garage recently and a guy was having a flap because he had put 20 ltrs of petrol in his empty tank. The cheapest he could find someone to drain his tank was £185 incl. vat. Told him not to move his freelander and went home, grabbed an old Vectra fuel pump, 25ltr can, some wire and two lengths of hose. Got back, towed his car away from the pumps with my freelander, rigged up the Vectra pump and connected one hose at his fuel filter and one into the can with the pump in the middle. Had him empty in about 10 minutes. Towed him back to the pumps. He filled up with deisel, primed the system and all has been well for him since. £185 my arse!!! Rip off merchants!

Garages have to pay massive overheads, heating, electricity, wages, insurances, rates etc And comply with all HSE regulations involving the safety of the operators and the rules and regulations involving fuel transfer, to name but a few things.
What you did was a good deed but consider this, what if your lashed up fuel transfer had shorted out and set fire to the vehicle and possible leading to setting fire to anything close by, you'd be in financial sh*t now. :rolleyes:
in the old days we use to put a gallon of petrol in with deisel so it would not freeze i think 20 ltrs was a bit much though
Garages have to pay massive overheads, heating, electricity, wages, insurances, rates etc And comply with all HSE regulations involving the safety of the operators and the rules and regulations involving fuel transfer, to name but a few things.
What you did was a good deed but consider this, what if your lashed up fuel transfer had shorted out and set fire to the vehicle and possible leading to setting fire to anything close by, you'd be in financial sh*t now. :rolleyes:

There's always one int there:rolleyes::rolleyes: .........health and safety :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Have you ever been the wrong side of it, it's ####ing expensive I can tell you. :rolleyes:

Some aspects of health and safety make perect sense and are there to protect people from the thoughtless acts of themselves and others.

But I spent 50 years in the workplace, probably 40 without health and safety to protect me and common sense saw me through everytime.

The majority of heath and safety rules are common sense, something that people today seem to have very little of, hence the need for rules.

Life would be very boring without the odd calculated risk dont you think:)
how many people do you see on the forecourt on there mobile phones they can cause more problem than anyone thinks so to can CBers/ hams by transmitting but every vehicle that goes onto a forcourt has a petrol/ deisel pump that could potentional explode good on Rhodie for at least helping out
Did you see Hammond trying to explode a caravan full of petrol and mobile phones...nowt happened:)
how many people do you see on the forecourt on there mobile phones they can cause more problem than anyone thinks so to can CBers/ hams by transmitting but every vehicle that goes onto a forcourt has a petrol/ deisel pump that could potentional explode good on Rhodie for at least helping out

cb's where banned on forcourts because of burners they would slow the pumps comps and you would get more fuel for your bucks.
Have you ever been the wrong side of it, it's ####ing expensive I can tell you. :rolleyes:

Some aspects of health and safety make perect sense and are there to protect people from the thoughtless acts of themselves and others.

But I spent 50 years in the workplace, probably 40 without health and safety to protect me and common sense saw me through everytime.

The majority of heath and safety rules are common sense, something that people today seem to have very little of, hence the need for rules.

Life would be very boring without the odd calculated risk dont you think:)

Yes, but these days if it goes wrong you are in deeper **** than a farm yard slurry pit. I do not like it one bit but can't afford to #### with it.
I remember a few years back watching some guy with a flat battery at the petrol pump. He had an old Porsche (944 maybe?) with the battery in the boot. He had jump leads and got the chap behind him to give him a boost. Given the size of the shower of sparks that came out of the porsches boot, I would guess they crossed the polarity of the leads. The samaritans car conked out and refused to re-start. I left just as the argument started turning nasty.

Helping others is great, but be 101% certain you know exactly what you are doing and be prepared to take the blame if things go wrong.
how many people do you see on the forecourt on there mobile phones they can cause more problem than anyone thinks so to can CBers/ hams by transmitting but every vehicle that goes onto a forcourt has a petrol/ deisel pump that could potentional explode good on Rhodie for at least helping out

This subject has been a point of controversy for some time, can you provide a link please to some proper, scientific, peer reviewed, documentation that shows that mobile communications equipment actually causes problems on garage forecourts?
This subject has been a point of controversy for some time, can you provide a link please to some proper, scientific, peer reviewed, documentation that shows that mobile communications equipment actually causes problems on garage forecourts?

It was old equipment in the 80s that did it a minute amount. But its like the planes doesn't happen any more but the ban remained
It was old equipment in the 80s that did it a minute amount. But its like the planes doesn't happen any more but the ban remained

As I understand it the problem with phones on planes is that 100+ phones all hunting for signal as they come in to land makes a hell of a lot of that chattering noise in the pilots headphones when he's trying to listen to th control tower.

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