Would you support an official petition to prevent split of Land Rover and Range Rover

  • Yes, you have my vote to save this great company

    Votes: 49 73.1%
  • No, i support the split of Land Rover and Range Rover

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • I'm not bothered

    Votes: 16 23.9%

  • Total voters
that made me chuckle!! but if they do split them the tax will become to high to sell rr's in this country hence 2wd gaylanders and other ways of looking "green"
If you mean leave and i would tomorrow if i could. It's emigrate.

I got out soon after Bliar (sic) and the one eyed Scottish idiot (Clarksons only sensible comment) took over. It aint perfect here in France but at least people get up off their butts and protest when the politicians take too many liberties:D
My pension is a fraction of what it was promised to be courtesy of OESI so I could not afford to live in the UK even if I wanted to which I don't.
country is bollixed! the french may never have won a war but they have go the protesting right!
country is bollixed! the french may never have won a war but they have go the protesting right!

Every time the tories come into power you know it's going to be a bloody disaster as soon as they announced a police pay review. They announced that the other day. Keep the plebs down still lives in their minds apparently.
yup but labour fooked up the country good and proper for the last 13 years.

The rot set in after ww2 when we were bankrupt and lefties just keep letting it all go untill we are where we are now.

No power, not alowed to say anything about people not native fookin us but we have to pay them and thier families for the privilge. all the family silver sold off or given away and no work for the boys. :doh:
yup but labour fooked up the country good and proper for the last 13 years.

The rot set in after ww2 when we were bankrupt and lefties just keep letting it all go untill we are where we are now.

No power, not alowed to say anything about people not native fookin us but we have to pay them and thier families for the privilge. all the family silver sold off or given away and no work for the boys. :doh:

Yes indeed, but only by a small fraction of the fookup Thatcher achieved in her 13 years. It looks like we are ruled by idiots. And none are any better than the other. The working man always carries the can whilst the rich get richer. The working man paid out 700 billion to keep the banks afloat WHEN are they going to give us that back. Why should we have to take pain to keep rich bankers and their shareholders living off the fat of the land?
Yes indeed, but only by a small fraction of the fookup Thatcher achieved in her 13 years. It looks like we are ruled by idiots. And none are any better than the other. The working man always carries the can whilst the rich get richer. The working man paid out 700 billion to keep the banks afloat WHEN are they going to give us that back. Why should we have to take pain to keep rich bankers and their shareholders living off the fat of the land?

I think all politicians are in it for their own ends, however love her or hate her when Thatcher came to power the UK was called the sick man of Europe, when she went the UK was again competitive and the National Debt was as low as it had been for decades. It wasn't Thatcher that screwed my pension, it was OESI. It wasn't Thatcher that brought in all the stealth taxes in the hope that idiots would not notice them making the UK in the proces one of the highest tax countries in the world as well as having the highest debt in the G20, it wasn't Thatcher that sold the gold reserves at rock bottom prices, I could go on, Look at history, every time labour have been in power the country has ended up bankrupt, remember Wilsons devaluation that "would not affect the pound in your pocket"
They are all corrupt, but with Labour it's the cynicism of pretending to represent the workers while abolishing the 10% tax rate that only affected the poor that really sticks in the craw. They are the party of "don't do as we do, do as we tell you"
There are none as blind as them a doesn't want to see.:p
we shud never have bailed out any of the banks, we would only be left with barclays and lloyds (they were ok before the merged with the ****e bank) but we also wouldnt have had any of this debt.

we could have paid all the savers back out of the fsa comp scheme and that would have cost 2 percent of what we now owe.

all we have done is covered all the debt from the idiots world wide bad investments and now lots have/will have to lose there jobs to pay for it.
I think all politicians are in it for their own ends, however love her or hate her when Thatcher came to power the UK was called the sick man of Europe, when she went the UK was again competitive and the National Debt was as low as it had been for decades. It wasn't Thatcher that screwed my pension, it was OESI. It wasn't Thatcher that brought in all the stealth taxes in the hope that idiots would not notice them making the UK in the proces one of the highest tax countries in the world as well as having the highest debt in the G20, it wasn't Thatcher that sold the gold reserves at rock bottom prices, I could go on, Look at history, every time labour have been in power the country has ended up bankrupt, remember Wilsons devaluation that "would not affect the pound in your pocket"
They are all corrupt, but with Labour it's the cynicism of pretending to represent the workers while abolishing the 10% tax rate that only affected the poor that really sticks in the craw. They are the party of "don't do as we do, do as we tell you"
There are none as blind as them a doesn't want to see.:p

There all the same mate. Thatcher closed down British industry on a grander scale than anyone has ever done before or since. Not personally i might add, but when a factory owner could run a business turning over say 10 million a year and make for his efforts a 5% profit after tax. It became under Thatchers interest rate around 16% i believe, more profitable to knock the factory down, sack the workforce, sell the land and put his money in a bank account and still make more profit after tax than running his business. He then sent his manufacturing to China or India and made even bigger profits. I remember a Tory (the word means thief by the way) chancellor standing up in the commons and congratulating the Vesti family for paying only about £10,000.00 tax on £250,000,000 profit because of astute accounting. Sorry mate but the higher up you are the more you can fiddle. Corruption starts at the queen and works downwards the higher up you are the more you can fiddle. Labour, Tory and the gay party alike they are all pigs with their feet in the trough. It's only us plebs on the low rungs of the ladder who ever get done for fiddling.
Twas the unions playing politics that closed Britain down, the best example was the London docks. Took 3 weeks to unload a ship due to union restrictive practices that took 2 days in Ghana. Much of the rest of British industry was the same, weak management giving in to the marxist unions. The London docks like the mines and much else ceased to exist because they were not competitive.
Twas the unions playing politics that closed Britain down, the best example was the London docks. Took 3 weeks to unload a ship due to union restrictive practices that took 2 days in Ghana. Much of the rest of British industry was the same, weak management giving in to the marxist unions. The London docks like the mines and much else ceased to exist because they were not competitive.

Yeah a lot of that about at the time. But with the health and safety legislation brought in by government so workers could not make a claim against them. It would now take five weeks to unload the same ship.:D:D:D:D
Yeah a lot of that about at the time. But with the health and safety legislation brought in by government so workers could not make a claim against them. It would now take five weeks to unload the same ship.:D:D:D:D

Elf n safety what joke, it's mostly restrictive practices for the new millenium.:(:(
Elf n safety what joke, it's mostly restrictive practices for the new millenium.:(:(

I was a gaffer at BAe. In one month in the 40s they built 54 Halifax bombers. With the H&S regs now in force they would be lucky to build one a month. It really is that bad. Sad thing about it is they caused all the upset breaking the union grip, ( and some did need breaking) then introduced regs that anyone who does not want to work can hide behind legally. You could not make it up.
I was a gaffer at BAe. In one month in the 40s they built 54 Halifax bombers. With the H&S regs now in force they would be lucky to build one a month. It really is that bad. Sad thing about it is they caused all the upset breaking the union grip, ( and some did need breaking) then introduced regs that anyone who does not want to work can hide behind legally. You could not make it up.

One of my clients insisted I wear a hard hat at all times in their factory, only problem, head with hard hat on could not get into the electronics cabinet as the door was too close to the wall. I gave them the option, no hard hat and I'll fix it, insist on the hard hat and I'm going home. Had to go all the way to the MD for a decision:mad: Took hours and they were paying by the hour so I wasn't too bothered:D:D
I was a gaffer at BAe. In one month in the 40s they built 54 Halifax bombers. With the H&S regs now in force they would be lucky to build one a month. It really is that bad. Sad thing about it is they caused all the upset breaking the union grip, ( and some did need breaking) then introduced regs that anyone who does not want to work can hide behind legally. You could not make it up.

Yeah, health and safety is rubbish, I think we should measure the cost of things by how many lives were lost during construction, just like the good old days!
Yeah, health and safety is rubbish, I think we should measure the cost of things by how many lives were lost during construction, just like the good old days!

Sounds a good idea, at least we would be able to make something without a large portion of the cost being taken up by unnecessarly pedantic adherance to sometimes ridiculous safety regulations. Be safe at work by all means, but many use H&S as a shield against working any harder than they personally think they should do. Don't say this does not happen i have seen it many, many times.

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