Would you support an official petition to prevent split of Land Rover and Range Rover

  • Yes, you have my vote to save this great company

    Votes: 49 73.1%
  • No, i support the split of Land Rover and Range Rover

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • I'm not bothered

    Votes: 16 23.9%

  • Total voters
With worldwide receipts of US$20 billion for 2009/10 I think Datatek can be assured that TATA Motors is a better management bet than the Indian Gov!
I don`t much care if the company splits R-R off from L-R, so long as there is a future for one or both marques in the UK. If the marketing/financial gurus think there`s more chance of financial success separately then so be it.
TATA won`t throw away the loyal following of this/these names lightly, so although I`m not a fan of "big-business" or "globalisation" I think we`ve gotta accept that in the real world only financially successful companies have any future; and if that means some changes, then accept them and keep factories open in the UK no matter what labels they stick on their products.

I wonder why you think that a $20 billion company won't fail? GM and Chrysler needed US government bailouts to survive as have many others.
Fair comment, but it seems TATA are still in family hands, and are still growing, and not with borrowed money, but through re-investing profits. I agree size isn`t any garantee of success and bigger companies can be TOO big but TATA seem to be doing well at the moment. I`ve no expertise in this field and only hope they make a good fist of it and keep the UK plants going sucessfully, for the employees and to keep the Green Oval going.
Fair comment, but it seems TATA are still in family hands, and are still growing, and not with borrowed money, but through re-investing profits. I agree size isn`t any garantee of success and bigger companies can be TOO big but TATA seem to be doing well at the moment. I`ve no expertise in this field and only hope they make a good fist of it and keep the UK plants going sucessfully, for the employees and to keep the Green Oval going.

I hope they keep the Green Oval going too, but TATA did not get big by being sentimental. If they break up LR one or other or both will die.
IMO the only way LR will survive is to start producing tough reliable vehicles, they can do upmarket as well but it is reliability and finish that will keep the punters coming.
I think it is pretty sad that the UK has sold off all its silverware and what were British marques such as Land Rover, Jaguar, Rolls Royce, Bentley ( I could go on) are all now foreign owned. Where did it all go wrong?:doh:
I think it is pretty sad that the UK has sold off all its silverware and what were British marques such as Land Rover, Jaguar, Rolls Royce, Bentley ( I could go on) are all now foreign owned. Where did it all go wrong?:doh:

the cheaper labour abroad killed the companies off, why spend shed loads more on labour, taxes, risk of strikes from big wig unions telling them they want 6% wages rises etc etc, im really not surprised there isnt any british car companies left anymore. this country has screwed itself over the last 10 years,no wonder so many people want to imigrant!
the cheaper labour abroad killed the companies off, why spend shed loads more on labour, taxes, risk of strikes from big wig unions telling them they want 6% wages rises etc etc, im really not surprised there isnt any british car companies left anymore. this country has screwed itself over the last 10 years,no wonder so many people want to imigrant!

If you mean leave and i would tomorrow if i could. It's emigrate.
As a thought: if all well paid UK/European/Western jobs are exported to the Indian-Sub-Continent/Asia/China/etc where are these super, new, R-Rs gonna be sold? We`ll all be on the dole. They can`t afford `em on their lower wages.
Maybe we should all set up a petition for pay rises for bankers? Then they could afford to buy half-a-dozen instead of the paltry one or two they now own.
If enough people were to sign the fuel petition and I do mean a huge percentage of the country they would have to listen because if we were to stop buying it they would soon be complaining, you have to remember it's our country not there's, they are there to serve us and if we all feel strongly about something then they should listen, that's what our MP's are there for.

FFS get ya self down the HOSPITAL and grab a dose of reality. If we all stopped using fuel we'd starve when the stores were empty and demand that the lorry drivers went back to work asap, or who'd drive the ambulances, no schools for kids = you not been able to get to work cos you'd be childminding.

MP's are there to keep the ruling powers (big business) happy and the workers poor. not to listen to what the voters want. Yu fick fooker.. :doh:
FFS get ya self down the HOSPITAL and grab a dose of reality.....

MP's are there to keep the ruling powers (big business) happy and the workers poor. not to listen to what the voters want. Yu fick fooker.. :doh:

mate i live in reality but our country is going down the pan because people like you just sit there and do nothing about anything and just take what is imposed on you!! if you don't try and change the things you don't like then you don't have the right to complain!!
not been watching this thread . but have you looked at the price of a new tata tin can ?

Nah. Seen 2nd hand ones and although they aren't exactly RR prices, they ain't cheap.

I did actually once entertain the thought of owning one, it was huge, much bigger than the P38.
mate i live in reality but our country is going down the pan because people like you just sit there and do nothing about anything and just take what is imposed on you!! if you don't try and change the things you don't like then you don't have the right to complain!!

Your the prat that's complaining FFS :doh: I'm just telling you ya int got a clue what's really going on in this world If you actually think that MP's are here to serve us then you're sadly deluded.
Nah. Seen 2nd hand ones and although they aren't exactly RR prices, they ain't cheap.

I did actually once entertain the thought of owning one, it was huge, much bigger than the P38.
a brand new tata 4x4 costs £12,000 . I would not expect a proper landrover RR are not exactly the benchmark of landrover perfection.
You think Muslims only come from Pakistan? You need to get out more.

Fook me are all Mancunians fick fookers TATA is a predominatanly Hindu owned Company ansd it's founder member was a Zorasarian Priest. If ya gonna gob orf. FFS do try to know what the fook ya on about.. :doh:
:lol: That would get you an L322 that is far from new. Maybe some build quality issues on the horizon. RR maybe unreliable SoB's but they're glued together well, al least, they were.
Fook me are all Mancunians fick fookers TATA is a predominatanly Hindu owned Company ansd it's founder member was a Zorasarian Priest. If ya gonna gob orf. FFS do try to know what the fook ya on about.. :doh:

:eek: :clap2:
Every day adds to the education I missed while I was out selling drugs and robbing post offices to support my family.
Thank you for an insight into your vast knowledge about this crap HINDU company, I'll treasure the information forever.

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