depends on the hospital - i waited 2 hours to be checked after rolling a old soft top sports car (one of those things where everyone told you you shouldn't have survived that) - doctor told me to look up, down, left, right and sent me home. Didn't check the cuts, bruises, cut right across my head, find the massive bruise on top of my head (found the next morning in the shower) or do any internal checks on me. What a f**King joke.
Hospital didn't seem to impressed when i made a formal complaint about them either...

Hope you get the car fixed :)

Some people will do anything to get an internal check!!! :eek: :D
As said by many posters above, read this thread -


Thanks Paul. Makes interesting reading.

An update as of friday;

My insurance company have now said the pesky ****wit who drove into me is NOT admitting liability!:mad:
Apparently I was over taking a white van at the time and driving on the wrong side of the road. The white van was flashing him to come out?!!!

Errrrrm......So, where was the white van?...parked up down the side road, thats where!. And what side of the road was I on?...The photos I (thankfully) took at the time show the shattered GF front bumper fragments directly where the liar hit me. ie I wasn't overtaking anyone!:mad:

FFS, this idiot has even got 'witnesses'.....I've sent the photos I took to my insurance company, and asked them to check the relationship the 'witnesses' are to the liar.

This is so ****ing me off you would not beleive. If he hit someone why the feck can't he man up and admit the thing!:doh::doh:

...To be honest, the way m lucks running I can see the fecker gettin away with it and me having to cough for liability/increased cost come next insurance premium. Not the mention the bollocks about "not gettin ya car back if its yer own fault" from the insurance company.
Not the mention the bollocks about "not gettin ya car back if its yer own fault" from the insurance company.

That is bollixs. The car is yours untill you agree to transfer ownership nof the vehicle. The insurance company is providing you with cover in the event that you are involved in an accident. Not buying your car off you..
This is what the fella at the insurance company said.
To be honest the reference in Paul's thread about remembering in me having a contract with my insurance company to represent me thoroughly rings a certain chord.
At the moment I'm being made to feel to fookin liar by my own insurance company, not the **** who hit me
Even if you had been overtaking a white van, and I'm not for one minute saying you were, it would have been up to your liar, to check the road was clear to pull out, because the flashing of the lights means nothing only to let another driver know you are there. Good luck as I'm going through a claim for an accident in April 2010.
Even if you had been overtaking a white van, and I'm not for one minute saying you were, it would have been up to your liar, to check the road was clear to pull out, because the flashing of the lights means nothing only to let another driver know you are there. Good luck as I'm going through a claim for an accident in April 2010.

Yes, I guess, as the highway code states he is probably still in the wrong....but this is really ****ing me off, because it all calls delays. Here I was thinking I'd have me motor fixed and back to me before winter n the snow sets in:doh:

April 2010?!!:eek:
Yes, I guess, as the highway code states he is probably still in the wrong....but this is really ****ing me off, because it all calls delays. Here I was thinking I'd have me motor fixed and back to me before winter n the snow sets in:doh:

April 2010?!!:eek:

Yes insurance paid out on a Discovery V8, put in a private, but the other side say because I was overtaking on hatch markings I'm part to blame, the fact she pulled out infront of a 44 ton truck without looking has slipped them, and the road I was overtaking on was clear.
Yes insurance paid out on a Discovery V8, put in a private, but the other side say because I was overtaking on hatch markings I'm part to blame, the fact she pulled out infront of a 44 ton truck without looking has slipped them, and the road I was overtaking on was clear.

So, I guess thats why it took so long. Liability battle?!
Here I was thinking my experience would be an open n shut thing. Feel daft making the assumption that if some daft sod hits me, its him to blame:doh:, I really fookin wish I was driving the bobtail. The last thing I can remember before he hit me was him fookin looking the other way! ....I don't think he even saw me until I was driving over his bonnet. The blind ****!
Get what you can out of the insurance, cos no matter what your premiums are now going to go up.
I've been hit 3 times in the last 3 years and insurance admitted even though its not my fault your premiums go up due to the payouts.
Get what you can out of the insurance, cos no matter what your premiums are now going to go up.
I've been hit 3 times in the last 3 years and insurance admitted even though its not my fault your premiums go up do to the payouts.

So what you are saying is...claim as much as possible cos of high premiums caused by people claiming as much as possible cos of high premiums?
I got a claims company involved through the AA when they recovered my RRC, m neck is still fookin killin, and the prospect of an engine swap in the bobtail isnt look forward to.
I'm the type thats just sent the TDV6 Disco3 courtesy car back as I dont really need it.
For all the **** taking and legal dragging of feet n fookin about, I could've had m car fixed several times over!
Yes insurance paid out on a Discovery V8, put in a private, but the other side say because I was overtaking on hatch markings I'm part to blame, the fact she pulled out infront of a 44 ton truck without looking has slipped them, and the road I was overtaking on was clear.

Interesting as the highway code states....


DO NOT overtake where you might come into conflict with other road users. For example
  • approaching or at a road junction on either side of the road
This is to prevent such an incident occuring but obviosly there is probably much more to the story that may negate this...

Cheers Steve
An update on this saga.....

I have been speaking writing and emailing my insurance company and the claims company. The claims company promised to 'remove all the hassle and liase with all parties on your behalf'...what a joke that has proved to be. They've been next to useless.
My insurance company are now trying to RE-contact yet again the 'witness', because his story does conflict just about everyones version of events. I have been told that apparently the third party & witness version has changed three times now....I'm guessing in order to try to 'fit' with the photographic evidence I submitted!
Another department of my insurance company are dealing with everything else NOT related to the liability battle of my claim. I've just got off the phone to the woman, who cheerfully said that they will be able to offer a settlement of £500 for the claim!!!! I told her not to be silly, and how would I buy a replacement vehicle of same spec for such a rediculous low offer.
She then said that she wanted to arrange for the removal of the car from the bodyshop to be placed in 'safe storage' I said this was ok, and the call ended.
A few minutes later the bodyshop, who I've struck up a relationship with (and he has passed on to me the details of a specialist LR bodyshop in High Peak), phoned me and advised me that there was a request for my car to be removed from their premises and taken to a salvage yard!!! The guy there knows I want to get the car fixed, and in his view it is too good to scrap, and knew the place it was going to scrapped cars, not store them, hense his phone call to me. I have to thank him for that.
I phoned the woman back at my insurance, and asked why they had requested the car be removed to a salvage yard. "oh no, it will be put in safe storage until we resolve the claim, its a car storage company"....At which point I lost m cool!... Apparently, if I want my car back they are not prepared to apy the storage fee at the bodyshop and could I drive it to my home. No, was my reply, yes the car drives but theres no lights one side and body panel damage, "oh it will be ok to drive back during the day then"..."err, no it wont, if I get stopped by the police shall I say it was my insurance company who told me it was ok to drive?!" The conversation even ended with her saying "ok, I shall cancel the salvage request on this claim for you", ie completely contradicting what she had said not a few minutes earlier.
Not only have I be driven into by some idiot, now my insurance company is tryin to turn me over. The lying bastards

the saga continues
An update on this saga.....

I have been speaking writing and emailing my insurance company and the claims company. The claims company promised to 'remove all the hassle and liase with all parties on your behalf'...what a joke that has proved to be. They've been next to useless.
My insurance company are now trying to RE-contact yet again the 'witness', because his story does conflict just about everyones version of events. I have been told that apparently the third party & witness version has changed three times now....I'm guessing in order to try to 'fit' with the photographic evidence I submitted!
Another department of my insurance company are dealing with everything else NOT related to the liability battle of my claim. I've just got off the phone to the woman, who cheerfully said that they will be able to offer a settlement of £500 for the claim!!!! I told her not to be silly, and how would I buy a replacement vehicle of same spec for such a rediculous low offer.
She then said that she wanted to arrange for the removal of the car from the bodyshop to be placed in 'safe storage' I said this was ok, and the call ended.
A few minutes later the bodyshop, who I've struck up a relationship with (and he has passed on to me the details of a specialist LR bodyshop in High Peak), phoned me and advised me that there was a request for my car to be removed from their premises and taken to a salvage yard!!! The guy there knows I want to get the car fixed, and in his view it is too good to scrap, and knew the place it was going to scrapped cars, not store them, hense his phone call to me. I have to thank him for that.
I phoned the woman back at my insurance, and asked why they had requested the car be removed to a salvage yard. "oh no, it will be put in safe storage until we resolve the claim, its a car storage company"....At which point I lost m cool!... Apparently, if I want my car back they are not prepared to apy the storage fee at the bodyshop and could I drive it to my home. No, was my reply, yes the car drives but theres no lights one side and body panel damage, "oh it will be ok to drive back during the day then"..."err, no it wont, if I get stopped by the police shall I say it was my insurance company who told me it was ok to drive?!" The conversation even ended with her saying "ok, I shall cancel the salvage request on this claim for you", ie completely contradicting what she had said not a few minutes earlier.
Not only have I be driven into by some idiot, now my insurance company is tryin to turn me over. The lying bastards

the saga continues

get the guy at the bodyshop to deliver it back to yours and ask him to provide much inflated bill to present to ins. co. at least you know where it is. then bill them for storage at whatever seems a fair price.
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To think a little Peugeot could cause THAT much damage to your RRC at slow speeds must be rather embarrassing.
To think a little Peugeot could cause THAT much damage to your RRC at slow speeds must be rather embarrassing.

Glass fibre bodykit bumper and alloy wing....clever ****.

Now **** off back into the hole you crawled out from!:mad::mad:
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not a fan then?

Not really. In general, I think the principle of a luxury 4x4 is like wearing slippers to a building site. Though admittedly, the Rangies are not the worst at it. Take BMW X5's for instance... Pointless idea.
The RRC chassis would quite comfortable slice that monoCOCK gaylander of yours in two. and if it didn't I'd quite happily ram your head through it to make sure it did.

Now, if you haven't got anything constructive to add, kindly **** OFF

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