
Well-Known Member
I'm not in a good place right now.
Having finally found a RRC I'm happy with, and to use as a daily driver, with the bonus that everything works and its in top condition, yesterday evening a right COCK pulls out of a side road. It keeps playing back in my mind...I could've swerved more, could've braked earlier, could've taken a different route home.
The reality of it is, a numb nut pulled straight out of a side road just as I'm passing. All over within a fraction of a second. I don't think I even had thinking time to hit the brake pedal before the Pug ****box hit me:(
Details exchanged, I couldn't drive it the mile further home, but the **** gets in his 106 and proceeds to drive off, even though it was quite clearly fruit shaped of the banana variety!!!:eek:....what happens if a brake line has sheared and you have no T...WAT:mad:...absolutely no thought or care for other people around him:doh:
Well, I spent the morning in hospital, fookin neck is killin down one side and a headache like a drank 20 pints the night before (I didn't!).. Accident claims, solicitors and every money grabbing legal expert is now contacting me to offer help!....
I've had the car collected for assessment, and even a courtesy car delivered (a Disco3 TDV6), but it aint the same.
All I want is the car fixing, nowt wrong with the engine bay parts and running. looks to me like it needs replacement brooklands bumper, inner wing /lights assembly, outer wing and lights. Looking through catalogues today, thats about 600 quid before labour charge even'll be a write off, all because some tosspot was too busy having an iText/TomTom/**** to actually driving his car as number 1 priority.:mad::mad::mad:

included two pics. one before, one after


  • rrcCrash.jpg
    71 KB · Views: 755
  • rr03.jpg
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gutted for ya m8...

any chance ya could buy it back and do it yrself...

might be able to get some used parts?
Feel for you mate, looks like a lovely old Rangie. Some ****s just shouldn't be allowed on the road, did he really drive away in that wreck in the background?! Seems like you took it quite well, I'd have been ready to put his head through his windscreen to match his bonnet. :frusty:
gutted for ya m8...

any chance ya could buy it back and do it yrself...

might be able to get some used parts?

Yeah, the fellas who collected it today even suggested that be done "looks way too nice to scrap and drove like a dream on to the back of the truck", his mate added " Give us a ring if insurance let you have it back and ok to go back on the road after fixing, and we'll fix it for you"

By the sounds of what various people were tellin me on the phone today, I should be lookin at fookin new Range Rovers with the sort of money they are takin about for compo.
It wind me up, because all the legal **** is probably gonna cost more than actually fixing the car would:doh:
Feel for you mate, looks like a lovely old Rangie. Some ****s just shouldn't be allowed on the road, did he really drive away in that wreck in the background?! Seems like you took it quite well, I'd have been ready to put his head through his windscreen to match his bonnet. :frusty:

Yeah, I felt exactly that I sat in the passenger seat, lit a cigarette and phoned the police to help me calm down a little before actually speaking to the sniffling little prick. In the long run I feel it was the smartest move.

Yep, he turned the car around and down back down that street....and there's a fookin school down there too. I couldn't beleive my eyes when I saw him drive off.:eek:
i know how you feel mate. happend to me a plenty. we pay high car insurance premiums because of ****s like that, or people that drive uninsured.
And for the law abiding people who do pay insurance and WANT to drive carefully and look after there cars, who may have children (like myself) in the back (who could get seriously hurt). We are the ones who have to pay for it. makes me sick, i mean he clearly dont care, look at his car anyway. we pay the high prices yet we are the ones who other drivers dont need to worry about, its other tossers like him who weve got to look out for, all because they are probly in a rush to get to there gay bars and **** fests.
AAARGGH feel for you mate.
his insurers can not write your car off. If you insist that the car is repaired they have to do it regardless of cost.
Sorry to hear you have some injuries and hope they are not lasting.
his insurers can not write your car off. If you insist that the car is repaired they have to do it regardless of cost.
Sorry to hear you have some injuries and hope they are not lasting.

I didn't know that, so thanks.

Yeah, I hated sitting in the hospital with just a sore neck, but was told to get it checked out. I felt like it was all unneccessary. I'm not one for the 'claim' culture, and to be honest would be happier paying a lot less for insurance if the savings were made with scammers and bogus injury claims cut out, and just the genuine stuff out there.
Hey Joe1972 there was a peep on here back in July who went through the insurance game like you are about to enter he won and got repaired. But took a long time and is on here some where and shifty sure helped with info. So with a little search you should find it and win
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Hey Joe1972 there was a peep on here back in July who went through the insurance game like you are about to enter he won and got repaired. But took a long time and is on here some where and shifty sure helped with info. So with a little search you should find it and win

was bluehaze, when he got rear ended. mot and then some.
Nice car. You should get it fixed.

Don't feel guilty about going to hospital...If you are injured, you are injured and need to be checked out.

You'll probably get perma-grin :D from the Disco3 though!
was bluehaze, when he got rear ended. mot and then some.
Yes and he stuck to his guns got a galvanized frame and just about made a new 110 out off it. But insurance tried to rip him good. He stuck to his guns and won and you can to just go to him and gather the info:D:D:D:D
thanks for the heads up Fur Trapper.

I'm gonna go do a bit of digging

Yeah, messing with the Disco3 settings....its not a bad motor...**** loads of plastic on it tho aint there!...I wouldnt fancy its chances on a pay n play day the way I drive LOL
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Nice car. You should get it fixed.

Don't feel guilty about going to hospital...If you are injured, you are injured and need to be checked out.

You'll probably get perma-grin :D from the Disco3 though!

depends on the hospital - i waited 2 hours to be checked after rolling a old soft top sports car (one of those things where everyone told you you shouldn't have survived that) - doctor told me to look up, down, left, right and sent me home. Didn't check the cuts, bruises, cut right across my head, find the massive bruise on top of my head (found the next morning in the shower) or do any internal checks on me. What a f**King joke.
Hospital didn't seem to impressed when i made a formal complaint about them either...

Hope you get the car fixed :)
Looking through catalogues today, thats about 600 quid before labour charge even'll be a write off,

Its your car, the insurance company have absolutely no rights to the car at all. If they decide its not economic to repair then insist on a cash settlement. Don't let them fob you off with the "write of" nonsense and taking the car off you. Check out bluehaze's thread you can win if you stick to your guns.
Glad to hear that you are OK. Prat will have to find someone to repair his, so presumably the local constabule will be looking for him for driving away from the scene of an accident ... if they can be bothered!

My fender parked when it was hit by a 6' diameter wheel - which prevented the wheel from going into a main road at th bottom of the hill.

Took it to the 'authorised repairer' who wanted to fit a new door, tub, roof side panel, and all the rest of it. When he said that they would have to straighten and plate the outrigger I asked him if he had seen many Landies before. He said that there aren't that many about!

To cut a long story short, the insurance company paid out in full as a write-off, and I bought it back for a couple of hundred quid. It cost me just under a hundred to put the bits right and a few quid extra to have it examined at a VOSA station.

The old girl still has a few bumps and dents where I couldn't be arsed to panel beat 'em out, and she runs like a dream.

You might be as well to get the full price of your car from the insurance company and then do a buy back, and pay for the repairs out of the difference! If you think along those lines, don't offer much above a couple of hundred. They will be glad to get rid!

Glad to hear that you are OK. Prat will have to find someone to repair his, so presumably the local constabule will be looking for him for driving away from the scene of an accident ... if they can be bothered!

My fender parked when it was hit by a 6' diameter wheel - which prevented the wheel from going into a main road at th bottom of the hill.

Took it to the 'authorised repairer' who wanted to fit a new door, tub, roof side panel, and all the rest of it. When he said that they would have to straighten and plate the outrigger I asked him if he had seen many Landies before. He said that there aren't that many about!

To cut a long story short, the insurance company paid out in full as a write-off, and I bought it back for a couple of hundred quid. It cost me just under a hundred to put the bits right and a few quid extra to have it examined at a VOSA station.

The old girl still has a few bumps and dents where I couldn't be arsed to panel beat 'em out, and she runs like a dream.

You might be as well to get the full price of your car from the insurance company and then do a buy back, and pay for the repairs out of the difference! If you think along those lines, don't offer much above a couple of hundred. They will be glad to get rid!

Why not make insurance pay the whole thing to make it right. Pay you for out of pocket expense,inconvenience. you should pay nothing.

Bluehaze didn't pay,:D insurance paid him and now has a like new 110 :D

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