
New Member
can anyone help with our problem with our '98 freelander diesel? (i have been on before with this but new evidence has emerged!!!) goes (i'll try to keep it as brief as possible).
engine often idles at 1100rpm. sometimes revs itself up to 3/4000rpm. engine management light comes on when driving along and foot is lifted off accelerator (at same time car is very jerky as if fuel is being cut off)- car is fine when accelerating again. does it more on long run. been to specialist- done diagnostic check- said faulty potentiometer but could be rusty connection. new potentiometer fitted. problem not solved. been on this site several weeks ago- member suggested new fuel filter. fitted one- problem solved!!! but problem has since returned!!! been to main dealer- done full diagnostic check & replaced rusty connection. no fault on car according to diagnostic equipment. car still has problem.
PLEASE has been fitted with performance chip in past. are these the symptoms of a dodgy chip??? dealer says a chip fault will not show up on their computer as its non standard so they dont know if this is causing the problem or not. only remedy is to try fitting a new ECU. anyone (who is still reading this!!!) had any experience of the problems performance chips can cause??? many thanks.

It has to be an ignition problem or a fuel management problem, since the chips for the engine management system are relatively cheap maybe the answer is to change that. Has the car ever worked properly or has it always had this problem? If the fault developed over time then it's unlikely to be the chip and more likely to be something in the fuel management system. As it's all computer controlled these days I keep thinking it's the chip. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

I am sorry your having so many problems with your freelander, despite a few running gear problems I love mine to bits!
my 98 xedi is doing the same i replaced potentiometer ,swoped ecu with another but it still revs up on its own and engine check light comes on?
Hi i have come across bad chips on p38 range rovers,when you start them sometimes they rev to about 4k on there own alternator fault flashes up and gerbox fault flashes up customers have gone back to chip fitter and they have been ok then these were superchips by the way,dont no a lot of people who have had the L series chipped,if it ticks over at about 1200 rpm this is what happens when the potentiometer goes wrong so the garage did get part correct as it goes into limp home mode,is your fuel pressures ok also is your air flow meter ok these should flag a fault though i will get my discs out and have a read see what i can come up with.right had a read and there are 2 things to look at first is the ckp crank position sensor,the book states that the car will run it will bring on the mill light with a reduction in power and a higher than normal idle speed and harder to start sometimes the ckp will be found facing into the flywheel toward the back of the gearbox this is easy to change and cheaper than the 2nd part because its actually built into injector no1 this is the needle lift valve it states that the car will run with less power and you can loose throttle response so first check out the connectors for both of these,changed loads of ckps,but only 1 injector in 4 years good luck keep me informed.
i thought you had answered my problems as this was just what mine was doing first lose power,then mil lamp light & engine rev to 2500-3000 revs.swith off & leave ,start again & all is well for a short while?so replaced ckp sensor all was well until tonight on the way home & it done it again?any ideas would be galdly recevied.
will have to have a good read up again and rack my brains for you sorry it did not sove your problems will check up to see what else might default to give similar problems
well i have had a think and come up with jack! all the faults on your car should be retained in the memory of the engine ecm, i know landrovers equipment can extract the faults it is hard to guess, i would say its the chip thats causing the problems as with all systems if you reset the ignition it also resets the faults but they do come back so i suggest you either fit back the old chip or take it to a dealer that will find the fault or fit new ecm and have it reprogrammed sorry i cant help anymore cant find anything that would make it rev high and other faults than ecm.

I have had a similiar problem with the idle speed, told it was the potentiometer, it wasn't!! Turned out to be the wiring loom from the accelerator pedal to the engine management, a couple of the wires were damaged and replaced and this fixed the fault. My Freelander was also chipped and this wasn't the cause.
where was the loom damaged as i have checked all the places i can see and the connector ,but it seemed better when i changed the fuel filter for a short while.then it played up again showing a potentiometer fault?
I recently bought a "power box" (chip) unit for £175 off a bloke on Ebay. This box fits onto the common rail sensor and the difference is amazing. (I also disconnected the MAF sensor.) Getting back to your revving problem. Have you checked that all your induction hoses are not split? You really need to check them carefully, as the split is usually underneath the crease of the hose where you just can't see it. Pull the hoses quite vigorously, if they split when you do this, then they were probably on their way out in any case and need replacing anyway. I once owned a 3.0 litre Toyota Supra which had the same problem, found a split, replaced the hose, cured the problem. Good luck! Martin
Well now tis it for a td4 1.8 2tr series v6 is it maf type or induction type management programe or flash re call or chip related, oh and wot type er motor we talkin about? i know this is the internet super highway but ffs we cannot help thicko's called charley. . .
Trevor Duggan said:
I dont suppose any of you guys have any instructions for fitting a tuning box, i recently bought one off ebay and it came without instructions! If so could ya email them to me at

Welcome trevor!

(I think thats wot ming meant to say, but that Flash Gordon bloke must a bin round to Mrs ming again while he wer off filterin his chip fat):rolleyes: :D

Dose this box have any ID on it at all
And yes! wot motor you got? ;)
mondo said:
Welcome trevor!

(I think thats wot ming meant to say, but that Flash Gordon bloke must a bin round to Mrs ming again while he wer off filterin his chip fat):rolleyes: :D

Dose this box have any ID on it at all
And yes! wot motor you got? ;)
ya forgot the thick Charley bit. . .:mad:
Ha ha !


We just need that Marksurry girl and things would be just like the old days,(when i wer a lad) Oh sorry went in ta willo mode then:D
mondo said:
Ha ha !


We just need that Marksurry girl and things would be just like the old days,(when i wer a lad) Oh sorry went in ta willo mode then:D
Not dads army again , we will have old war pics next [i'll show ya real war pics]. . .:p

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