Planning to refresh the pedal springs soon (69 Series 2a NAS), have some parts on order. Two questions looking for advice on:

1 - for the accelerator pedal linkage, what lube is best? oil, grease or WD40 spray?

2 - is it possible to swap out the brake pedal springs from the pedal area only, or do you need access to the top of the pedal box also?

I used grease in the pivots when i rebuilt the pedal boxes. WD40 isn't a lubricant so can't imagine that would best.
You can fit a grease nipple in place of the oil lubrication bolt on the pedal spindle. 1/4" unf angled is best option.
Agree with the WD40 comments so far - best avoided - best not to have it in your garage at all (!)
It's good for preventing corrosion on bare metal though and cleaning crap off the engine.
I agree it does have some cleaning properties but I reckon old fashioned 3 in 1 is way better for temporary bare metal sealing. (And brake cleaner trumps WD40 any day of the week for cleaning) That WD40 seems to bugger off if left on surfaces... my experience, generally speaking anything that is meant to lubricate and it comes packaged in an aerosol doesn't
I thought WD40 stood for~water dispersal attempt number 40 ~Yahoo it works no need to go for 41,if so why would it work as a long term lubricant?3 in 1 yes,oil in a traditional pump dispenser bring them back,a***hole sprays yes we all use them but unless you buy them from cheap shops a waste of money IMHO.

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