Curry delivered my truck smells like curry house !! Gott nams chick curry n veg curry also pacoras !! oh yeh most important bog roll !! lol Got rr out of workshop at 5.20 washed not painted so you can see our rubbing down hey ho it ready for the lakes ! Fingers crossed
Up already like a teenager on a first date !! Could have done with the extra space just realised not even put mi spare wheel back in !!
Yeah I'm proper excited to get gone, got a full day of work ahead of me FFS but I'll see what I can do this afternoon if we are quiet!! :rolleyes:

See you there gennulmen!!

I'm bringing a decent amount of firewood by the way in case you're running out/planning in starting a fire later on.

Cheers :)
I've got French stick to use as forks with the curry and fresh eggs for brekkie
tomorrow. ( just collected them this morning from the coop).
Daughter just gone off to dancing so as soon as she's back off we go.

:) :) :)
I'm jealous of you lot. I'm absolutely desperate to go out laning tomorrow but there's no one near me who wants to go out :(
Sidewaysste - you know the Notts lanes? S****well etc? If so give me a shout and I/we will come out to play one day.
Sidewaysste - I'm normally free in the week. There's a couple of us lane mid week. It's usually quieter then. Smaller group as well. Give it a couple of weeks and we'll give it a go if you wish.

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