Just 4 vehicles now isn't it chaps?
Landy 1/2 loaded up sat in the garage waiting to go.
You still doing a stew for Sat night Mark?
I'll bring a load of French stick to eat it with... Far better
than a fork!
(No celery though.... Blueergh!!). ;)
Yep just four now Nick. Still good numbers tho. Better for wild camping too as your less conspicuous and dont look like your holding a protest. lol
Have we sorted a R.P and a general time were getting there?
I'm looking like meeting at Sams original RP for @ 14:00 hrs.
No rush.... Laze around and admire the view until we all arrive.
I'm easy, go with the flow.
There's a couple of car parks near the grid ref so that's an easy spot for early meet, and then I'll get on the cb later on by which time you'll have found a spot no doubt and you can guide me in.

Yeah just need to start finalising food requirements, plan is to hand over all your brekky stuff to me on sat night then I'll get up early and get the kettle on and start cooking the sausages up :)

Sat night stew would be super awesome if mark can manage it and yes French stick would be just delightful!
Stew can be swapped for curry !! Lamb or chicken mi business partner Indian can have his dad cook for us !! Amazing it is !!
Last minute bits I've remembered I need mantles for my tilly lamp.
Oh and I've spoke to my pal who's parents live in Cumbria and there is still a lil snow on the tops! So get your shovels at the ready!
Have a cracking trip boys (and girls) stay safe and as always plenty of pics and vids! I'll be there in spirit lol!

Thanks Pete, sorry you and Dave can't make it but no getting out of it next time!
As for the photos.....you bet cha, I'm not lettin Aaron get off without being pig sick looking at all the photos.:D
Thanks Pete, sorry you and Dave can't make it but no getting out of it next time!
As for the photos.....you bet cha, I'm not lettin Aaron get off without being pig sick looking at all the photos.:D

Ill be there on the next un al just try and stop me! sams idea of doin wales snds a good un, quite fancy doin the river crossing at strata!

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