
Active Member
I got back late last night from this event and must say what a cracking weekend, great food, great site, and great people.

Sadly I was riding shotgun for the weekend as my own Landy broke down late Thursday evening and with the event starting Friday I simply didn't have time to fix it. So I finished Uni at 1 and was picked up and driven to the event in a TD5 90 pickup. No pictures from Friday evening but basicly it was getting to know people, sitting around a camp fire, eating good food and chatting cars.

So on to Saturday lots more Landys turned up in the morning as there were laning trips planned. 3 groups set out on different routes and even a few freelanders and Range Rovers joined in the fun

As the morning went on lots of Landys started grouping up and edging towards the gates obviously eager to go and play and then someone had the sense to banish the interloper and line up the all the Landys for a photo.

At this point we split up into our laning groups and made for the gates

Next instalment the lanes themselves.
A quick jaunt down the A14 in convoy was required to get to the laning route which I must say had been chosen well, reasonably easy but spectacular and challenging enough that they weren't boring.

I took my postion in the second car of the convoy the truck cab Defender which unfortunatly did not make for easy photo taking.

This P38 behind was on standard road tyres and managed remarkably well, he did have a couple of sideways moments but didn't get stuck once. Although we did nearly lose him a couple of times.

and then we got to our first lane nice and simple but a bit wet in places. The council had erected some chicanes at both ends of the byway which were tight to say the least. No problem for us in the 90s but the 110 and and the P38 struggled to make the turns.

A quick rest stop after a bit in a nice pretty location and a chance for a photo of the whole laning party. At this point I jumped into the back of the beige 90 van that was leading the convoy as it was much easier to take photos from.

That little 90 was suprisingly pokey even with its pre TDI 19J engine. Now I shall shut up for a bit and let the pictures talk.

The weather was pretty good to us to be honest, despite the forecast we only had a couple of rain storms.

The soft focus in that last pic is absolutely deliberate and nothing to do with the rear window being covered in spray and me being thrown about in the back of the 90 honest ;)

and then we found a nice little water splash this was tad bumpy but was a pleasant none of us expected. The routes had previously been scouted but none of us actually in the cars on the day had done them before.


Despite the nasty weather I had a rare oppurtunity to get a photo of the tail car which was a rather nice sounding 300tdi 90.


Now if I do say so myself I love that picture!

This last lane had a few good puddles in it which when your in a Landy well you have to play.

After the last lane just as we were heading for base we spotted a fuel stop and seeing as a few of us were running a touch low by then we decided to turn round in a side road and head back to it. Only at this point the numpty of the year award got awarded to the blue truck cab 90 for managing to get stuck on a tarmac road! Just to add insult to injury the recovery process was watched over by a police officer who happened to magically appear 30s after the truck went down the ditch.

And onto yesterday. 4 cars decided they were going down to a nearby pay and play before taking the trip home so I jumped in one to get some photos. It was only after that we realised why only 4 had gone. 3 out 4 suffered damage that had to be repaired before they could be driven home and one of those 3 ended up on a recovery truck after it self destructed its engine.

Lots of mud and lots of getting stuck resulted. Unfortunatly that mud hid a lot of rocks which resulted in one bent steering arm and one fractured fuel tank.

That truck cab really liked to get himself stuck and it took two vehicles anchoring the winch to get him out of that one. Saying that he did attack pretty much everything available at the pay and play, only got stuck twice, and was the only undamaged car at the end of it.

Getting out of that was easier said than done!

Those two discos weren't with us but they certainlly were putting there vehicles to good use!

The end was result of the pay and play was a landy looking like this.
some cracking pic's there mate

Thanks very much im used to photographing cars but first attempt at taking pics of a moving vehicle from a moving vehicle. Its proper hard as you can't see where your going and end up with concussion from hitting your head on the roof of Paul's 90 id swear he was hitting every pothole just to see me struggle :crazy_driver:
Great pics

PMSL laughing at PaulDs landy, never noticed the decoration on the back. You were brave going through water in it :D:D:D:D
Heheheh, happy to take you along Pauldaf44, some great pics .. :)

Yeah Sue, I figure if I can't take the **** out of meself then it's a bad show .. just sorry I couldn't find a lifebuoy to finish it off. :(

You'd have loved the lanes.
Heheheh, happy to take you along Pauldaf44, some great pics .. :)

Yeah Sue, I figure if I can't take the **** out of meself then it's a bad show .. just sorry I couldn't find a lifebuoy to finish it off. :(

You'd have loved the lanes.

You coming on my Dales weekend. There is an extreme group for you :D:D
cracking pic of my landy mate :) was an exxelent weekend to be fair the orgainisers did a superb job and paul did a great job guiding us on the lanes

so thanks to everyone !

special thanks to paul (pauld) Richard (lr110) and mitch (d90?) for helping me get out of my embarrising situations :)
cracking pic of my landy mate :) was an exxelent weekend to be fair the orgainisers did a superb job and paul did a great job guiding us on the lanes

so thanks to everyone !

special thanks to paul (pauld) Richard (lr110) and mitch (d90?) for helping me get out of my embarrising situations :)

Was a pleasure mate.

Nice to know someone else trips up a little instead of me .. :)
cracking pic of my landy mate :) was an exxelent weekend to be fair the orgainisers did a superb job and paul did a great job guiding us on the lanes

so thanks to everyone !

special thanks to paul (pauld) Richard (lr110) and mitch (d90?) for helping me get out of my embarrising situations :)

Hehe we can't say you didn't push your limits. Big thanks for sorting my steering out. Ordering a new track rod today.
Hehe we can't say you didn't push your limits. Big thanks for sorting my steering out. Ordering a new track rod today.

I like to try everything I can with mine , I don't think there was much that I dident have a go at lol , no problem mate glad you got home okay ! :)
cracking pic of my landy mate :) was an exxelent weekend to be fair the orgainisers did a superb job and paul did a great job guiding us on the lanes

so thanks to everyone !

special thanks to paul (pauld) Richard (lr110) and mitch (d90?) for helping me get out of my embarrising situations :)

no probs, thanks for helping me get mine sorted again (and for leaving the p&p to follow me back

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