Ian Griffiths

New Member
Just got this BS in a private message

Hi,I'm new here, how's it going?"Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: it transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural & spiritual, and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things as a meaningful unity" - Albert Einstein---Patriciahttp://patricia.freetzi.co-


Oh well .....No harm done. i get tens of emails at home and at work like this... its a pain i know . just delete it.
Obveresly not a landy fan is she!

Yeah, I got it. She sent it 5.55am this morning. Bloody Buddhists, nothing better to do.

Never had spam on here before (any amount of other horse****, but not like this). Can someone delete her please?
i've never had one of those before, i thought i'd got lucky for a minute, the one thing i don't get why the **** join a forum and send crap like this, if i wanted to find out about bhuddism i would, but i don't
She's well up for it
Did she send anyone else a picture or am I the chosen one!!


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i got it what aload of bollocks if you ask me, nothing better to do than try convert farmer boys into buddist haha
i got it what aload of bollocks if you ask me, nothing better to do than try convert farmer boys into buddist haha
She just wants to arouse your awareness of your inner Land Rover. Didn't get the message myself but I'm not a country boy... Try parking the Landies in a circle and chanting Ommmmmmm... All the sweet little bunnies will come to join in and then you can turn round and shoot the buggers.:)