
New Member
I realise this is a big ask but was hoping for some good old fashioned favour begging.

I now have a set of parabolics that i will fit to my '76 S3 88" sat waiting for me in my garage and am about to order the shocks (may have to be Br*tpart..i know, i know, but funds are currently limited) and was hoping i could order all the other components at the same time, bolts, pins, shackle plates etc........but here lies the problem, i'm currently on a ship off the coast of Dakar headed for Namibia with no access to my poor old landy or manuals.

Could any kind hearted soul give me a quick list so i can place the order and have them waiting for me so i can try and get it sorted this leave. Im looking to change all components.

A big ask i know and will understand if there is no takers but thought id give it a go.

front shackles 270520x4 537687 x4
front chassis bush x2 569746
rear shackles 244162 x2 537686x2
rear chassis bush 548205 x2
spring bush 548205 x8 (often included with springs)
pins 537740 x8 537741 x4
nuts 272165 x12
shock bush 552819 x16
washer 264024 x8
split pin 4063 x4
upper bolt NRC7064 x4 + nut NY 607041L x4
front shockRTC4230 x2
rear shock RTC4232 x2
Hopefully there are no typos and these are all the bits you need.

If you've got the bandwidth then the parts book is here. pdf Land Rover Manuals |
Thankyou so much thats absolutely perfect, managed to get it all ordered just trying to track down nuts 272165 x12 and nut NY 607041L x4. Have the manuals bookmarked on my laptop but its denying access on the system for some reason, first job when i get back, actually download and save them,

again, thanks so much for this !!

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