was a good day I come away with everything in tact and yet agen some memories of tong in the boot (mud) I need to seal up a few holes I think..i was the yellow disco knocking about with orange s1 if any bodys got any pics/vids.

shame they kept closing parts off due to water/dander etc but still a good day, even though some try to spoil it by not paying and going off route or the wrong way..

Think I saw you about
Did'nt get a video but saw the aftermath,air box full induction pipe full and I presume engine full as it stopped cranking,we towed him out.
Yeah it was a good day out, that Shogun drowning itself did make me chuckle a little bit. Surely it must have occurred something as a bit suspect when everyone was daring him to go in and then ran to the top of the hill with cameras at the ready. Didn't sound to have done any terminal damage though as it did still run to a degree
is that why they shut the lake
had a run through next time round tape across it

They shut everything off cause they think they know everything.

Watched them try and recover a stuck pickup over 1 hour of messing around.
Broken here, 1 month and counting :D

I will return with great strength!!

Would love to have a pitiful chuckle at some touareg footage.

OMFG when the guy gets the £2000 bill for a recon motor though!
The guy in the toureg was following the lads in defenders about and trying to do the same routes, or that's what it looked like every time I saw him.

Think he might of gotten a bit too cocky and tried going through the lake and that's when his car died.

No more Parkwood until Feb next year :( Going to try get a lift kit and some new tyres fitted, after replacing my 2 snapped rear shockers :p

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