Yeah I'd give it a 8 cos they don't always/ever have chips

I know it's rare for Butty van to have chips but they lose a point anyway

Also they lose a point for not usually having cock, just some fanta and fruity **** etc

I normally take my own stove everywhere but I take it out for Parkwood cos breakfast and lunch is all good and plenty of cake etc too but we do take our own cock :D
I was walking down the main road the other night from the wool pack and a huge rat ran out if the wall.
well MOT is tomorrow, still got to get engine back in, refit wiring loom, exhaust, sort rear diff out, paint all the sealant and welding thats been done so early start, will she or wont she make it :S
I'm going down as well if you need to add me to the list?

Spoke to Rebecca today and as I just bought my Disco on Monday I won't have the actual V5 or the insurance docs but she said mention that I've spoken to her and as long as I have the green slip and the MOT she will let me in. Going with an experienced friend who is gonna teach me the ropes.

I rang through today so there is definately someone in the office if you needed to speak to her regarding discount?
ring her :D


stil bits to sort ie couple bearings to nip up and some cables to tidy buit shes working..

however I now have no power to the glow plugs, any body any idea which connector this may be or why ?

assuming everyone shows up

there might just be you me and OP :D

Its gonna be awesome btw.

We need LZ flags!
Right bitches, here's the drill:

Rebecca said we can have £5 discount :D

We qualify for this by filling in an entry form, which also gets us all in quicker, because we'll be in a separate queue to everyone who hasnt got a form.

No form, no discount.

If you havent got a printer, let me know and i'll bring some extra copies.

Basically rock up, see rob on the gate and say youre with landyzone and youve got your form and docs ready, he'll take your £30 and send you straight in.

Docs required are V5, MOT, insurance and licence.

Entry forms available here:

Any trouble give me a shout :)
Right bitches, here's the drill:

Rebecca said we can have £5 discount :D

We qualify for this by filling in an entry form, which also gets us all in quicker, because we'll be in a separate queue to everyone who hasnt got a form.

No form, no discount.

If you havent got a printer, let me know and i'll bring some extra copies.

Basically rock up, see rob on the gate and say youre with landyzone and youve got your form and docs ready, he'll take your £30 and send you straight in.

Docs required are V5, MOT, insurance and licence.

Entry forms available here:

Any trouble give me a shout :)

nice one dude :D I'll be able to have two cheese burgers now :amen:
is anyone travelling from the northwest, prob down m61 - m60, ill be on there around 8 Sunday morning
Nice one Sam.
All welding has been seam sealed and shutz'd, snorkel sealed, heated seat switches fitted and wired, headlining ripped out, new battery fitted. Just gotta fuel it and kit it out for the day.