Gotta use ch10 at parkwood so you can listen on the marshals the you can go have a look when they're laughing about someone stuck in the pond
Last time I went I couldn't get grip in the middle it was just floating too much was a right pain!
It is optional. In theory.

I dont like the "in theory" bit :confused:

I am going to Wales just after this trip I dont want nasty sticky wet mud and stuff in my Landy. Its a POSH laning trip remember, what will folks think :D:D:D
It is optional in theory but in practice you should be driving the pond :D

Just hose it out afterwards.

I've been in there many times so may choose not to at my discretion :D
Would anyone mind a new member to landy's coming? I havent been to tong in a while. If there is still room, I will try to persuade my friend with a lightweight to come along too.

Well we will be there as it's only 20mins from my house.As for numbers there was well over 100 vehicals there this month.It did get a bit too busy in some places at times with 10/12 vehicals waiting to do some of the black runs.Get there early is my advice and have fun :).
Been there many times and some months it is busy.

It's good when it's busy though because you can make a day of it regards spectating aswell, there's always something going on or someone in trouble.

I reckon we should consider getting there early though, only problem is I'm djing and beering at a party the night before so it might be difficult getting there as it is :D
I am going to give this a miss guys...Dave needs his lectrics sorting and yesterday another fault appeared after driving through a flooded lane, I have to make sure he is right before I do anything else.
I am going to give this a miss guys...Dave needs his lectrics sorting and yesterday another fault appeared after driving through a flooded lane, I have to make sure he is right before I do anything else.

Me too, decided its too close to the Wales trip and I would be certain to do some major damage :eek: Have a great day :D:D