Nice one. You can go back to bed now.Learn to drive. It's amazing how long people have been parking without the aid of beeping sounds. Or fit a tow bar, when you hear a crunching sound stop reversing.
Nice one. You can go back to bed now.
+1Learn to drive. It's amazing how long people have been parking without the aid of beeping sounds. .
The beeping is only used for reversing. I'll check the individual sensor modes, ta.
Wammers. Nobody likes a smart arse or a keyboard warrior.
Good call but just checked and all sensors are ticking.Each working sensor should be making a ticking sound when the car is in reverse, this can be heard if you put your ear next to it.
if one isnt making the noise its probably a fault their. the reversing beeps should come back when the faulty sensor is replaced.
What in the world is a parking sensor? This is a serious question.The parking sensor has suddenly stopped working. The switch lights up when it's pushed in but the bleeping has stopped. Any suggestions please before the £60 an hour garage has a look. ta
Fraid not. I'll buy the £24 one and send it back if it don't beep.You might get 12 Volts across the speaker terminals but current is very low, due to it being a high resistance. It would be cheaper to measure the speaker's dimension anf find a cheap replacement driver on Ebay? Do you have another speaker you could try?
Are you serious?What in the world is a parking sensor? This is a serious question.
Yes neither of my vehicles have them, that is why I asked.Fraid not. I'll buy the £24 one and send it back if it don't beep.
Are you serious?