
New Member
Hi all got abit of a problem parking the hippo up, basicallly when i slow right down to turn into a space it slows right down and feels like its going to stall for a few seconds i dunno if this is normal just curious to know if any one has same problem apart from that it drives very smooth on the road
many thanks john
Just probably the extra energy going to the power steering pump..this can put a lot of extra strain on the engine at idle..try just turning the wheel without parking and note the engine note change (out of gear) and see if it drops a little, if so just give a little more revs when you are actually parking.
Im not 100% sure but it would seem the most sensible option to look at first.
ok thanks for that ill do the test when i get time so if the tippex lines move does that mean my vcu is knackered? Hoping tatooboo is right then i can stop worrying about it
if the tippex lines move does that mean my vcu is knackered?

Yes and No,

If the tipex marks move its either working properly or running free and no drive is being transfered to the rear,

If it they don't move can be the worrying one, it could be seized which means it will kill both your rear diff and the more expensive IRD.

The Ashcroft Transmissions test is a little more accurate and will let you know if its either working properly, running free or seized.

Ashcroft Test

I had the same problem without realising it was a problem, the end result being a knackered VCU & IRD - see thread "clunking noise when reversing". Having now replaced both, I sail into parking spaces on full lock with no braking effect.

Try jacking up the rear offside wheel, releasing the handbrake & with the car in gear try turning the wheel. If it turns with a slight resistance then all is fine, if like mine was you can't budge it - problems, think about replacing the VCU before it does your IRD in. With a bar through the rear CV joint I could just about move it with all my strength, and I'm quite a big fella!!

Sorry to sound gloom & doom but it did cost me dearly. Good luck.
ok thanks for that ill check that out i dont think it knocks when i reverse but yeh its like someone is slamming on the brakes like off and on like abs braking but it dont have abs ,any ways if it is the dreaded vcu where can i get one cheap and what kind of job is it to do
It's not too big a job, just a matter of dropping the front & rear propshafts & VCU off in one piece and disconnecting them from each other. I didn't try to get the bearings off though, I bought new ones. I wouldn't recommend getting a second hand VCU 'cause you can't check it until its all back on. This means buying new, cost me just under £500!! for the lot.
do the bearings come into the vcu or is it the propshaft cushion bearings you think i should change? any ways jacked it up today and when i turned the wheel out of gear it went ok with slight resistance but when its was in gear it would rock a little bit but would not budge i put a socket on a strong bar and put it on a wheel nut and the wheel nut felt like it was going to snap so not good news i take it.I seen vcu on ebay for 200 plus p+p (£15) any where sell them cheaper thanks for your replys just helped empty my wallet lol also do you think im best moving the prop until i get the vcu cheers john
took complete prop off today and sent for vcu checking by propshaft specialist any ways he said he doesnt belvieve the vcu has siezed and tht hes only ever found the odd one seized in majority of ones hes checked.He told me its my ird unit whats worn but with my prop off wont put any strain on it so any ways looks like ill be taking it off and sending it for a recon.Off to buy a manual tomorrow just few questions really does the ird just bolt on side of gearbox or am i best taking the whole lot out any tips or useful knowledge much appriciated as i have not removed an ird before

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