
New Member
I have a P38 Diesel that hates me! More to the point I'm beginning to hate it! Its getting that time of year, where, for a 4x4 car it doesn't like going on the road and throwing all sort of fault messages out of its cursed BECM. Its latest trick is, sometimes, when you use the key fob, it wont unlock or lock itself when you get where youre going, then when you get in the thing it disables its engine. If you leave it for an hour or so its ok. Has any one experienced this before? Has anyone actually done a conversion job on on of these and threw all the electronics in the bin and put a proper engine and gearbox in, like a 200 or 300 tdi and manual box?
Failing that, does anyone want to buy the piece of sh*t? Its a lovely motor, pulls like a train, immaculate inside and out, new airbags fitted. Gimme a shout on here.....£2000 :mad::mad::mad:
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Have you checked the battery, P38's likes a good battery
Engine Disabled sounds as if losing sync do a search lots of good info on here
There are some good people who know lots about oil burners on this siteIm sure they will be along soon.
If it says Engine Disabled - you need to enter the EKA Code to remobilise...

Loss of ECU/BeCM sync doesn't show a message
Check for damp carpets in the drivers footwell and the battery voltage. Also check the under bonnet fuse box for signs and smells of burning.
Thanks all. The battery was a brand new Halfords un last year so I'm gonna test alternator output cos it does seem a bit weak sometimes.
The mats in the drivers side do seem a bit wet sometimes, carpets are ok though, It was usually when parked up for a while. I'll get it checked out.
Hi i don't rate halfords for batteries myself as had experiences with them in past. i think sounds like you may have problem with the r/f unit as i had ie, do you have the latest one fitted. or as i had to do after changing front locks and the r/f unit also had to purchase new fob. all expensive but in the end ever since everything working far!!!!! :confused::confused:
Thanks all. The battery was a brand new Halfords un last year so I'm gonna test alternator output cos it does seem a bit weak sometimes.
The mats in the drivers side do seem a bit wet sometimes, carpets are ok though, It was usually when parked up for a while. I'll get it checked out.
Ther have been a few failures reported with Halfrauds batteries especially as they sell the smaller petrol one as suitable for the diesel. Alphaline MC31 135Ah 1000CCA is the biggest that will fit and it cures a multitude of problems. (Battery Megastore on line. No affiliation) Alternator voltage should be 14.2 volts minimum at the battery at 2000 rpm.

Wet carpets is often leaking "O" rings on the heater matrix or pollen filter covers and drains. Any damp down there can cause serious corrosion on the BECM connectors and condensation inside the unit. This can be serious.
Don't forget to check the under bonnet fuse box for signs/smells of burning as this is also a frequent cause of random problems.
Thanks for that. I'll check it out but to be honest, I dont want to spend anymore on it. I'm just thinking of getting shut. Apart from the annoying problems, its a lovely smooth motor. But, gimme a 200 or 300tdi manual anytime, spanners rule over diagnostics tools anytime!!!!!!
If it says Engine Disabled - you need to enter the EKA Code to remobilise...

Loss of ECU/BeCM sync doesn't show a message

I find that sometimes my fob plays up and and get engine disabled message up when I try to start but if I get out and lock and unlock the door with the key it's fine and I dont have to re enter the EKA.
I find that sometimes my fob plays up and and get engine disabled message up when I try to start but if I get out and lock and unlock the door with the key it's fine and I dont have to re enter the EKA.

You should just be able to press the unlock button whilst the key is in the ignition and then start it no need to lock unlock doors
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