
Active Member
Morning all selling my P38 and looking on the usual places fleabay and gumtree got me thinking why is there less up north.

Me personally I think it's just because we are too tight to pay the fuel bill.

What do you think???
Maybe northerners have got more sense than to buy unreliable crap that won't start when it snows?
Maybe because southerners are not as mechanically adept as northerners and can't repair them so sell them off.
There of course are exceptions to every rule. But since our beloved Maggie shut down all the engineering up here as a punishment for voting Labour, we have nothing to do but fix Land rovers. :D:D
Dear me, I thought it was the likes of Red Robbo and the unions aided and abetted by **** poor management thet shut down UK engineering, obviously I'm labouring under a misapprehension:rolleyes:
Dear me, I thought it was the likes of Red Robbo and the unions aided and abetted by **** poor management thet shut down UK engineering, obviously I'm labouring under a misapprehension:rolleyes:

Yes they had a hand in it and reform was much needed. But just shutting everything down and let them rot on the dole was her answer to the problem. She shut the pits out of spite and used 250 years worth of domestic gas supply to generate electricity. That was a really smart move. We are suffering badly from that now. The woman should have been bloody shot.
Yes they had a hand in it and reform was much needed. But just shutting everything down and let them rot on the dole was her answer to the problem. She shut the pits out of spite and used 250 years worth of domestic gas supply to generate electricity. That was a really smart move. We are suffering badly from that now. The woman should have been bloody shot.
Well, say what you like she put my mate on his feet,........... he had to sell his bloody car :mad:
Well, say what you like she put my mate on his feet,........... he had to sell his bloody car :mad:

She put a lot of people on their feet, stood in long dole queues. The north in general was left to rot without investment. She used north sea oil and gas revenue to pay for the dole. Engineered a war for her own ends, many of the papers regarding that have still not been released, despite the thirty year rule. A lot is hidden maybe never to be seen.
a american firm did a study on the viability of opening up some the north east pits and it was confirmed that it was a viable option and they had hundreds of years worth of coal left in them :eek::eek:
Thers a strip mine not far from me and a few years ago if you look in the hole and beleave me its a big un,you can see the coal in a stripe about 20 foot thick! Its mostly full of water now though! think biffa just got rights to fill it in ! No prizes for guessing what there gona fill it with!!
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a american firm did a study on the viability of opening up some the north east pits and it was confirmed that it was a viable option and they had hundreds of years worth of coal left in them :eek::eek:

Last i heard about five hundred years worth of coal deposits that were known of under the UK and some still to find. Reopening pits would be massively expensive now though i would think, without maintenance for all those years it will be a nightmare.
Last i heard about five hundred years worth of coal deposits that were known of under the UK and some still to find. Reopening pits would be massively expensive now though i would think, without maintenance for all those years it will be a nightmare.
Theres also a tunnel mine I know were the tunnels are so unstable the fields above have signs saying "danger no public no vehicles"
apparently its not as bad as you might think compared to the amount of money that will be made they recon that 3 out 4 pits could be reopened and be financially viable

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