Hi guys, well its been roughly a month since I had a flat battery caused by my RF transmitter which knocked my BeCM and Petrol ECU out of sync, but since unplugginging the blue wire things have improved massively. No flat battery and starting everytime until this morning.

I returned home from a day out yesterday with everything normal and fuel in the tank. Came out to the car this morning for the school run, unlocked the car with the fob (no flat battery) got the kids in and jumped in myself. I then turned the car over for a few seconds and thought I felt it fire up so I released the key but I didn't hear it fire up because the kids started shouting.
When they stopped and I realised it had not started I thought nothing of it and tried again but I was only greeted by the familiar sound of the engine cranking over but not firing up. I then tried locking and unlocking the car and trying again but to no use. It was displaying all the trade marks of loosing sync but without the battery going flat.

Has anyone else's P38 ever lost sync between the BeCM and engine ECU without the battery going flat?

All advice and comments appreciated James.
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Yes but not since I changed to the new RF receiver: green dot, two circuits boards at right-angles to each other. Both Datatek and Mozz have posted picture etc up on here.
Which engine?

Same key? Cloned keys can cause issues as the rolling code only gets incremented on one key (used at the time) and the BECM.
I've had occasions on other cars where I've released the key a bit early, and then not been able to start it - it's old-fashioned flooding. You could have the same problem.
Just to update, I borrowed a syncmate again tonight which gave me the all clear saying it was sync'd but its still doing the same, so not a syncing problem.

Just charging my torch up then going out to inspect parts. Anyone have any suggestions where to start? Also I think I can smell petrol after cranking so I think fuel is getting to the engine but will check spark plugs for signs of flooding.
Sounds a good place to start.

Have you not got a Nanocom or similar you can stick on it? I don't know if an ODB2 reader might read the petrol engine and see if there are any fault codes?
To be honest I know I should have invested in a Nanocom or something like that when we bought the rangie but at present I cannot justify to my wife the cost of purchasing such equipment on a vehicle thats turning out to be so unreliable. I mean we fix one problem and we fall in love with it again and then something else fails and we're devastated, not ideal when we have 3 young children and its our only car.

Anyone had similar problems with a fail crank position sensor?
Is that the fault code?

I've heard of them failing but often they leave no direct trace.
To be honest I know I should have invested in a Nanocom or something like that when we bought the rangie but at present I cannot justify to my wife the cost of purchasing such equipment on a vehicle thats turning out to be so unreliable. I mean we fix one problem and we fall in love with it again and then something else fails and we're devastated, not ideal when we have 3 young children and its our only car.

Anyone had similar problems with a fail crank position sensor?

A Range Rover isn't a conveyance, it is a hobby....

I am one of the biggest Range Rover fans, but even as much as I love them I have to admit they are flawed.

Thinking of just having the two Range Rovers is just asking for trouble, so we have by Girlfriends Fiat 500 in the garage as back up....well at the moment it is in use as the L322 is misbehaving but that is by the by....

With young kids, relying on a Range Rover as your only vehicle is pushing luck ..... I wish you all the best and yes, a faulty CPS would prevent starting!
Sorry to confuse, I haven't got a code. Just grasping at straws really from what I've read on other forums.

I will get back under the bonnet tomorrow and let you know if I win the battle.
sounds like its flooded to me, have you carried out a check to see if its got a spark? forget all your fancy code reading malarky and do the basic checks first, i once watched a roadside breakdown patrol spend three hours on a car that had cut out, only to realise it had run out of petrol!!
A Range Rover isn't a conveyance, it is a hobby....

I am one of the biggest Range Rover fans, but even as much as I love them I have to admit they are flawed.

Thinking of just having the two Range Rovers is just asking for trouble, so we have by Girlfriends Fiat 500 in the garage as back up....well at the moment it is in use as the L322 is misbehaving but that is by the by....

With young kids, relying on a Range Rover as your only vehicle is pushing luck ..... I wish you all the best and yes, a faulty CPS would prevent starting!
So speaks a man with two dodgy Range Rovers who has to resort to a Fiat 500 for reliable transport:rolleyes:
So speaks a man with two dodgy Range Rovers who has to resort to a Fiat 500 for reliable transport:rolleyes:

Not much wrong with the p38 just oil pressure is a bit low, hydraulic tappet s a bit tappy, air bags need replacing, door locks dont work, its a bit rough round the edges and could do with a new brake accumulator but not to bad.

I have the new oil pump gears so they will be fitted soon!

But yes, they are unreliable and as for the Fiat, despite the usual reputation, that is running strong!
Right guys here's the latest with the P38.

Re-fitted charged battery, unlocked with the fob to make sure alarm system was disarmed properly, re-sync'd with the syncmate so BeCM was definitely talking with the petrol ecu.
Tried firing it up but same again, just cranking over. Took 2 spark plugs out to check for flooding but they were bone dry. Checked for spark on plug number 1, no spark present.

I have ordered a new crankshaft position sensor to arrive tomorrow so hopefully when I fit that it will solve my problems. Fingers crossed
Not much wrong with the p38 just oil pressure is a bit low, hydraulic tappet s a bit tappy, air bags need replacing, door locks dont work, its a bit rough round the edges and could do with a new brake accumulator but not to bad.
I have the new oil pump gears so they will be fitted soon!

But yes, they are unreliable and as for the Fiat, despite the usual reputation, that is running strong!
and you call that "not bad":eek:
Should have got a diesel, mine has never been that bad.:)

Had a Diesel....Part-ex'd for the L322.....wait, sh!t shouldn't have said that, I'm in for it now aren't I Keith...go on, let me have it, both barrels if you please?!!

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