so , finish the story , who ? and how did you re-sync it then and what was the diagnosis ???? batteries in fob etc etc ?????????? please let us know !!!!!!:confused::confused::confused::confused:
I had Dakar cars come out with their supduper machine and resync it. Don't think I'll ever know route cause but all is well now cost £80 so I will save up now to get myself something like nanocom so if ever goes again I can sort it. I'll let you guys know when I get one so can help out others.

Again thanks to all who gave me the advice

Happy new year to you all
I had Dakar cars come out with their supduper machine and resync it. Don't think I'll ever know route cause but all is well now cost £80 so I will save up now to get myself something like nanocom so if ever goes again I can sort it. I'll let you guys know when I get one so can help out others.

Again thanks to all who gave me the advice

Happy new year to you all

£80.00 for two minutes and a bit of petrol. Now that is how you make money. :D:D
Feck when I read £80 in my email I thought a certain somebody who lives up the road did it I was going to say greedy b.......
But I see its a typical rip of garage again!

Steed I wish you had phoned me you might of even persuaded me to come do it .
Or I would of warned you for. £80 you could of bought a sync mate and still have it now for next time .

Never mind at Least its going :)
I take it you don't want me to call in now, would have been cheaper to wait for me, to come over.

At 80 quidlets for a resync, I'm way tooooooooooo cheap
The first post that was made on here & I guessed what it was.

I've seen these range rovers so so many times with the old pump sitting in the boot, with the in tank pump, & half a dozen other bits that was wrongly replaced.

4 miles from Dakars, I do work for them.
The first post that was made on here & I guessed what it was.

I've seen these range rovers so so many times with the old pump sitting in the boot, with the in tank pump, & half a dozen other bits that was wrongly replaced.

4 miles from Dakars, I do work for them.

Rick what is it with loss if sync I've had my battery's off so many times changed battery fobs etc but never lost it so why do some do some don't is there a reason ? On diesels
Rick what is it with loss if sync I've had my battery's off so many times changed battery fobs etc but never lost it so why do some do some don't is there a reason ? On diesels
Disconnecting the battery will not cause a problem unless you are unlucky as there is circuitry to stop the micro processor safely. However repeated cranking with a dying battery causes the voltage to drop to a level where the processor goes out of control as the stop circuit does not detect the low voltage.
Disconnecting the battery will not cause a problem unless you are unlucky as there is circuitry to stop the micro processor safely. However repeated cranking with a dying battery causes the voltage to drop to a level where the processor goes out of control as the stop circuit does not detect the low voltage.

Well if its a simple as that but we haven't heard of any dead dying battery's it was fine two hours earlier ?

Ps I read though his first thread and like rick after he said he had a flow it had to be sync
Well if its a simple as that but we haven't heard of any dead dying battery's it was fine two hours earlier ?

Ps I read though his first thread and like rick after he said he had a flow it had to be sync
It's the repeated cranking with a poor battery that is the issue as far as I can see. Put a scope on the positive feed and watch the negative going voltage spike when cranking:eek:
No one has reliably hit that problem on the head, but Datatek explained what we think causes it.
The resyncer tool, made by Blackbox was produced specificaly for that problem, although I nothing about the nanocom but I assume from others that this would also do the trick.
No one has reliably hit that problem on the head, but Datatek explained what we think causes it.
The resyncer tool, made by Blackbox was produced specificaly for that problem, although I nothing about the nanocom but I assume from others that this would also do the trick.
The CPU losing control cannot easily be fixed, it's down to poor design. All my microprocessor designs used a chip to monitor voltage for what we called "brown outs" when the voltage dropped to a critical level, it would signal the CPU to do a controlled halt while there was still sufficient power available.

Yep Nanocom will resync, not sure about Hawkeye or Lynx though on the diesel.

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