How do you comfort a grammar-nazi?
"There, They're, Their" :D

And the sense of humour is indeed "wry" and not "rye".
How do you comfort a grammar-nazi?
"There, They're, Their" :D

And the sense of humour is indeed "wry" and not "rye".
Problem is hairdressers do not have the capacity for a wry sense of humour. They are too busy being princesses. Also the space reserved in the boot of the brain, for humour, is , in the case of gaylanders, taken up with gel, ghd products and hair spray information. Thus when confronted with wry humour ( actual and the spelling of) their brain ends up in the same state as their hair, frazzled ;)
Anyone got the item number , so I can have the link sitting waiting for @Grrrrrr , when he wakes from his afternoon nap ;)
Who says we are a rude bunch?.....who f##king said that?

From a place you will not see will come a sound you will not hear.

I oftentimes go out of my way to help others on here and if at times my replies are tinged with a spot of humour, minor micky-taking or sarcasm...then so be it...but you will not find a more knowledgable bunch of c##ts about Range Rovers or Land Rovers anywhere else than right here on the 'Zone.

Deal with it.
Who says we are a rude bunch?.....who f##king said that?

It has to be said that some people find this particular backwater of the forum an acquired taste. Bunch of irritable, autistic, self-opinionated, argumentative lady parts has been mentioned. Sometimes a name or two are mentioned as particular lady parts. Some come back when they realise there's nothing personal in it; others don't - which is a shame and a loss all round really.

When you're on here a lot it is sometimes easy to forget that newcomers can be a little more delicate, particularly if they're used to tootling along between the pony club and the polo club in a Gaylander.
Who says we are a rude bunch?.....who f##king said that?

I'm sure anyone who sees you unfolding yourself from a Defender and the suspension rocking back to equilibrium will be most polite and drop all allegations.

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