I'm going straight to hell for the above posting aren't i.

If you have a good one that has been looked after, as long as you look after it then it should give you good service. Not every P38 is a money pit. But you cannot maintain a £55,000.00 car for the same cost as maintaining a Corsa it don't work that way. Good luck. :)
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I wish you luck with the conversion, I truly do......it will be a lot of work and the L322 parts will not be a straight bolt on fit...everything you are attempting will require time, paitence and thought....

Yes I am a purist, Yes I am one of Range Rovers biggest and geekist fans so I would prefer to leave the P38A unmolested, but as you quite rightly put, it is your car and your right to do with as you please.....if I dont like it, I wont buy it if you sell it, simples.

We are a a p/ss taking bunch and there is a lot of banter on here, but the knowledge and wealth of experiance here is second to none -yes a thick skin is needed on LandyZone, but when the chips are down and youre in the ****, these guys here are the lifeline and they do genuinely stop the banter and offer advice, assistance, help, information etc.....only when your Range Rover is back on the road will they then rip the pee out of you again....all in good spirits and jest....

Dont be put off....keep us updated as many others may want to do the same facelift and you help will be invaluable to them in there endevours.....
If I had enough money I would buy a P38 and slam it on 32" rims with spinners and white wall tyres. L322 body swap and spray it PINK just to put LZ stickers all over it and park it the entrance to every LR event LZ attends but I sure as hell wouldn't drive it :D

I like the look of the P38 with the L322 front end but please please please do the arches right or it will look gash!
I wish you luck with the conversion, I truly do......it will be a lot of work and the L322 parts will not be a straight bolt on fit...everything you are attempting will require time, paitence and thought....

Yes I am a purist, Yes I am one of Range Rovers biggest and geekist fans so I would prefer to leave the P38A unmolested, but as you quite rightly put, it is your car and your right to do with as you please.....if I dont like it, I wont buy it if you sell it, simples.

We are a a p/ss taking bunch and there is a lot of banter on here, but the knowledge and wealth of experiance here is second to none -yes a thick skin is needed on LandyZone, but when the chips are down and youre in the ****, these guys here are the lifeline and they do genuinely stop the banter and offer advice, assistance, help, information etc.....only when your Range Rover is back on the road will they then rip the pee out of you again....all in good spirits and jest....

Dont be put off....keep us updated as many others may want to do the same facelift and you help will be invaluable to them in there endevours.....

How dare you suggest i would take the **** out of anybody. You sir are a cad and a bounder. :D:D
If I had enough money I would buy a P38 and slam it on 32" rims with spinners and white wall tyres. L322 body swap and spray it PINK just to put LZ stickers all over it and park it the entrance to every LR event LZ attends but I sure as hell wouldn't drive it :D

I like the look of the P38 with the L322 front end but please please please do the arches right or it will look gash!
Now there's a thought, a complete L322 body shell onto a P38 chassis:rolleyes:
How dare you suggest i would take the **** out of anybody. You sir are a cad and a bounder. :D:D
If I, sir, am a cad and a bounder then it is only just and right that you, sir, are likewise. As with all mentors, the prodigy is just a mimic of them....and if I, sir, am the true bad egg, it is only because your good self and Keith have taught me to be such...I slap your face with glove, in defiance! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
If I, sir, am a cad and a bounder then it is only just and right that you, sir, are likewise. As with all mentors, the prodigy is just a mimic of them....and if I, sir, am the true bad egg, it is only because your good self and Keith have taught me to be such...I slap your face with glove, in defiance! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi Sir i fart in your general direction. :p:p:D:D
:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi Sir i fart in your general direction. :p:p:D:D
Good Sir, if that is the boundless attitude you appreciate to take, then I will have no further option but to remove my belt and by thunder my trousers will fall down...:eek:
Good Sir, if that is the boundless attitude you appreciate to take, then I will have no further option but to remove my belt and by thunder my trousers will fall down...:eek:

Least we can have a laugh Ant. Will not be going far today blowing wild up here and not exactly warm either. Last thing this wind passed was a Polar bears arsehole. :D:D
If yer can't laugh then there is something amiss....

Yes, been reading about the high winds lashing you chaps, sounds like it is a rough one!

Baten down dear chap, and call in the morning!
Just been to Liverpool & back this morning.....jeez, it was a very interesting drive over the M62 at Saddleworth. All i can say is there's going to be alot of haulage firms putting in insurance claims this week!
yeah i live on edge of saddleworth, crazy up here. was in stockport to day, right under f;ilght path. all i can say is im glad im not a pilot or a passenger today. the planes were all over the show.

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