Emailed on eBay no reply. Left neg feed back complained to eBay and had I. Removed!! Total farse!! Should I really have to email or should they have shipped sepraty as I was charged for???
To be fair its a little underhand... maybe he'll be back to explain on ere?
the website order was taken 2 days after the ebay order. which means it was sitting in the office for 2 days and as if by telepathy you knew there was another order coming in! "Faster service" it came in 3 days i made the 2nd order by phone, just like everything i buy from the UK it comes in 3 days. your making yourself look silly now.
the website order was taken 2 days after the ebay order. which means it was sitting in the office for 2 days and as if by telepathy you knew there was another order coming in! "Faster service" it came in 3 days i made the 2nd order by phone, just like everything i buy from the UK it comes in 3 days. your making yourself look silly now.


I have checked my records, Ebay order placed at 0.38 Sunday morning , not paid until Tuesday morning 01.46 , we dont start to process orders until they have been paid for, my colleague who deals with the Ebay orders first saw the paid and confirmed Ebay order Tuesday morning when the systems logged on. You telephoned at around lunch time the same day and spoke to me to order some other parts which you paid for at the time, so in effect there was not 3 days in between orders paid for but a few hours. Part of the order you placed over the telephone needed to be ordered in so the whole lot was despatched together the following day, Wednesday. Normal orders to Ireland take up to 7 days with the overland service I use, as the Ebay order had postage paid as well we used that to upgrade your shipping of the heavier parts to the DHL express service which costs extra, we did this as a service to you in order for you to get a faster than normal service of the heavy prop shaft item that you ordered, not to rip you off or to make money out of you as you have implied.

As I have said we try to accommodate our customers as far as possible and believed we were doing you a service by not 'pocketing' the extra postage paid but using it for your benefit.

We dont believe that the way we handled your order deserved the abuse and feedback on the Ebay system and the comments you have left about our company on this forum. I believe also that I have explained the factual detail of your order in enough detail to give our side of the story and now consider the matter closed.


well andy,

i have paper work too. and here it is straight from my banking website......

09 AUG 2010 PAYPAL *A NICKLESS *******9001 €33.29
11 AUG 2010 P38SPARES *******6566 €75.16

if you like i can take a screen shot and show the good people of the forum. You seem to remember the transaction so well? you failed to mention that you had to call me back later in the day as you took down the details wrong.

your postage charges are too high, (£19 to Ireland). your customer service skills are far from perfect, (the author of this thread and i can verify this), im sure not every transaction you do turns out badly but im sure there are more than 2. I own a restaurant and if i get negative feedback on my business from my customers i have to take it on the chin learn and move on (as they are my customers and there paying just like yours). i recommend that you do the same. you have made mistakes and "WE" the "CUSTOMERS" have the right to discuss your good points or bad points. the fact that you fail to acknowledge mistakes on your behalf shows how small a person you really are,

Personally i will never use your company again for the reasons outlined, as for the rest of the readers of this thread the decision is theres........
Got to chip in here.

I ordered a set of plug leads from P38 Spares at 9pm Monday evening and got them 5mins ago :D

On the other matter I also run a ebay shop here at work and find that 99.9% of problems are easily addressed if you contact the customer within 24hrs. Any longer and they get blown up out of all proportion :doh:
The problem is companies don't call back or answer emails. Very frustrating that after many emails and calls you have to resort to raising a concern with Paypal and at the last resort file a claim. You give every chance to the retailer to rectify the issues but you draw a blank. Paypal have a time frame before you can raise an issue. I now use paypal for my protection.
The problem is companies don't call back or answer emails. Very frustrating that after many emails and calls you have to resort to raising a concern with Paypal and at the last resort file a claim. You give every chance to the retailer to rectify the issues but you draw a blank. Paypal have a time frame before you can raise an issue. I now use paypal for my protection.

What he said..........communications king !!
The problem is companies don't call back or answer emails. Very frustrating that after many emails and calls you have to resort to raising a concern with Paypal and at the last resort file a claim. You give every chance to the retailer to rectify the issues but you draw a blank. Paypal have a time frame before you can raise an issue. I now use paypal for my protection.

He's dead right,

I too have had people try dodge your emails thinking if they avoid you for long enough your right to claim will expire.

Internet trade is faceless and we all need a little peace of mind, if it's not fullfilled that's when problems arrise
The first thing I noticed about this thread was the fact the original poster was posting every hour whining about not getting a response to his email, then 2 hours after the first post, he said that actually he had received a response.

Made me think "god, what poor sod has to deal with this guy as a customer?"

Seems I was right, as the supplier confirmed that they had responded to the original enquiry within 24 hours, which does seem reasonable to me (call me old fashioned and all).

Ordering from anywhere, things don't always go 100% smoothly 100% of the time, but I don't think it's particularly helpful to start whining in a public forum because somebody didn't respond to your phone call or email the moment you sent it (since I assume they do also have other customers to attend to).

At least this thread has been some good, I was considering ordering from P38 Spares, and given the feedback from everyone else, plus the response from themselves I'll be confidently placing an order with them for the first time shortly.
He must work there or even own it!! New member Post 1!!!!
Read the whole post. The idea is to let people know of any issues you come across. Perhaps I will say nothing in the future and let people like you find out the hard way. I suspect that is what you want. Good luck with that!!! I placed the order on the 3 July. Posted on the forum the 9th and responed to other posts on the 9th. You must be a right pushover! I believe Britpart are looking for customers like you!
Did the parts arrive NO
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Andy here from P38Spares, Our telphone numbers are listed on the website and each advert as well as my own personal mobile telephone which I have sorted out questions etc after hours on many occasions. Regards, Andy - P38Spares

well its been days on now and we still havent heard back now, this must be the a reflection of the normal customer service that we have come to expect from P38spares.

We always try to assist customers in whatever way we can. We are very customer focused

yet to see that???


we did this as a service to you in order for you to get a faster than normal service of the heavy prop shaft item that you ordered, not to rip you off or to make money out of you as you have implied.

As I have said we try to accommodate our customers as far as possible and believed we were doing you a service by not 'pocketing' the extra postage paid but using it for your benefit.

We dont believe that the way we handled your order deserved the abuse and feedback on the Ebay system and the comments you have left about our company on this forum. I believe also that I have explained the factual detail of your order in enough detail to give our side of the story and now consider the matter closed.



The heavy prop shaft item???? 8 nuts and bolts i ordered and only 8 nuts arrived!!!!! whats heavy about that??

Abuse? i left neg feedback as is my right as an ebay customer :doh:

so andy you got caught out telling pork pies and rather than face the music you stake your claim and run off with your tail between the legs.

I think the fact that you came on her to debate the matter is fine, the fact that you threw in your comments and left i think you may have fueled a fire and made things worse. i believe many people will read this thread (there have been nearly 1000 views at the time of this post) and will think twice about where thy buy there parts from as a direct result of the bad way you have handled the situations with me and another customer of yours
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Jeese get over it :behindsofa:

to be fair, if you had a bad experience you'd feel the same. but dont worry im not sitting at home waiting on new posts to come through!!! :D

trust me im well over it but i think other people should be aware before they decide who they buy there parts from, its bad enough keeping a range rover on the road without dealing with dodgey sellers. :p
Ok, you've had a bad experience with them. I think we've got that, but not everyone has.

I've bought quite a few bits from them and as mentioned previously, they've been excellent in all respects.

Can we give it a rest now?
Please note this is an old post which was way back in July and faded away!
This was set alight by P38spares and his comments plus the post by the very anonymous endeleus!!!
I've just been sad enough to check their ebay feedback to see what all the fuss is about, they have over 8,300 left for them, 2494 in the last 12months and only 1 neg from some Turk, who again I was sad enough to check out his f/b trail and he leaves lots on negs for people so obviously a sado moaning ****! and 1 neutral, in my book I would say that's not bad going!! I would definitely buy from them, call me sad, mad or what ever you like, but 2492 people can't be wrong and 2 right!!!

I run my own company employing several blokes, some of the things they do drive me nuts! In the current market work is tight for most so I'm more than ever chasing them to give the best must be working as I have had to employ 2 more last week to keep up with work..... But I'm the 1st to admit that it's very hard to get it right all the time you just can't please everyone as some just like to moan! and some times we as a company **** up all we can do is hand in the air admit it, learn from our mistake and get on with it!

Yes it is an open forum and yes you have every right to warn people what you think about your experience with a company and no you are not forcing me to read or reply to your post, and normally I would not bother but in this case I think you are making yourself look just like that sado moaning turk!!!!:doh:


There got that of my chest feel better now!!!!

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