He’s away at the moment there may be someone managing the shop for him while he is away.
He is on here.

Zebra strip is only few quid, get yourself some decent contact cleaner and give the wheel and bits inside good clean it gets gunked up over 20 yrs.
the other thing Is do you use it often? My hevac pixels play up if I leave the vehicle long time (like all of last year). More I use it more it comes back to life. Must be condensation?
He’s away at the moment there may be someone managing the shop for him while he is away.
He is on here.

Zebra strip is only few quid, get yourself some decent contact cleaner and give the wheel and bits inside good clean it gets gunked up over 20 yrs.
the other thing Is do you use it often? My hevac pixels play up if I leave the vehicle long time (like all of last year). More I use it more it comes back to life. Must be condensation?
Do you have any idea of the size I’ve found a few on eBay but different sizes.
Where would I see about one of them upgraded receiver. Does anyone do lcd repairs on here also.

Upgraded receiver is silly money from Land Rover or Rimmer Bros. It hurt when I bought mine at £150 but a year later the price doubled and has climbed ever since. Total barstewards as they knew damn well there was an issue back in 2000 when they were still selling new cars.

Marty_uk was selling his filters at about £70 a few years ago.

Brian's jog switch is about a fiver.

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