
New Member
Evenin' all!
Any of you fellas had any experience of rustproofing companies/products?.....I'm looking to get my new beastie waxoyled & undersealed.....any experiences/advice/recommendations would be much appreciated!
In my opinion, this is as long as a piece of elastic !!
If there is rust already present, it needs to be treated first, there is no "Miracle" cure. As most people know, it will still rust from below the paint/coating unless it's neutralised.
We then come to safety specific items such as brake and fuel lines, which if already corroded are a hazard and should be replaced prior to treatment instead of being simply painted over. Waxoyl is o.k. provided it's applied to sound material, don't expect it to restore rusted material to as new condition. Just remember that any rust present will eat away from underneath the paint/protective coat unless it's removed and treated before the coating is applied. The coating may delay the appearance of rust for a while but will not eliminate it.
shud stop when no oxygen can get to it no?

If that's the case, how does a rust blister appear from underneath apparently sound paintwork ??? plus motors should last forever if the paintwork ain't damaged.

porus paint and pre rusted B/L steel :p

I am hoping the epoxy I used wont let any air or water in :D
There used to be a crowd in Newbury I think, that did a two part epoxy underseal with a guarantee. From memory, it was pricey, took at least a day but they supplied a courtesy car.
Not sure of any feedback from users.
Evenin' all!
Any of you fellas had any experience of rustproofing companies/products?.....I'm looking to get my new beastie waxoyled & undersealed.....any experiences/advice/recommendations would be much appreciated!
all my vehicles get a coat of black waxoyl mixed 70/30 with hydraulic oil , the hydraulic oil really creeps into seems and hard to get places and remains totaly flexable and slightly tacky , as we all know wipe oil off a part where its been leaking and more often than not it will look like new
you dont wana be painting/undersealing over rust as it will continue to rust underneath
Thanks for your opinions chaps, I take your point about arresting any active corrosion before applying a protective layer. I was wondering if anyone has had any specialist outfits like Ziebart or similar do a professional job on their cars?....I've heard of all sorts of weird and wonderful "witches brews" for painting and squirting on, but I'd like to have a good, professional job done by "expurts" with the right spray/injection gear and have some sort of warranty attached. Corrosion protection, particularly on older vehicles is a bit of a black-art!
I'm in the process of doing this myself...lots of wire brushing! :rolleyes:
A good coating of kurust and then just brushing on hammerite waxoyl.

Can imagine paying someone else to do it properly will be a costly job!
Yuss!....just had a price orf an outfit in Hatfield for the thick end of 500 quid. They seem to be geared up for it though & they are sole agents for Waxoyl in UK. A bit more than I waz expectin....but when its the woman ewe price is too much Eh!??
There used to be a crowd in Newbury I think, that did a two part epoxy underseal with a guarantee. From memory, it was pricey, took at least a day but they supplied a courtesy car.
Not sure of any feedback from users.

there called before and after mate and there in rugby warwickshire now

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