Gees Guys.

We all know the format and process of the program in question.
This chaps only looking to contact some enthusiast who has taken the time and trouble to bring and keep their P38 up to as new spec as possible, and as a result has something as mint and shiny as is possible to show off on camera and be resultanly proud of. Sort of an ultimate aim with such an Iconic vehicle.

We all know their troubles and foibles, and surely that's a big part of what this series is all about publically revealing.

This Guy did not ask what goes wrong with them and i am quite sure can deduce this himself with but a bit of reading and research.

I really hope you managed to find what you want in amongst all this negativity Wheeler Dealer.
Might i add a couple of more valuable comments that may be of use to you and possibly worth consideration of mention in the anticipated program.

Firstly the P38 is quite a complex vehicle electronically with many tricky problems and Faults. When running fine, it's a true delight to own and drive, but when something goes wrong, it can however cost an absolute fortune to put right or maintain. That is where belonging to such internet forums as this where owners freely share knowledge, understanding and know and share all the cheap fixes is an absolute requisite.

Secondly, although i personally have a vested interest in saying this, but will try to be more general, the vehicle systems do have a lot of built in self diagnostic capability and there are several low cost tools on the market that can access this and so help in ownership and maintainence.

Surprised you did not offer him one of those low cost tools to plug on the show for you. Never miss a bloody trick do you.
Guys and Gals

Yes, the P38 is without doubt a real and true labour of love IMHO. It goes wrong constantly and i happen to make equipment that helps fix it.
But this really ain't about me or what we do

This wheeler dealer researcher has posted on here, a place supposedly full of enthusiasts, a request for help, and in general the best that this forum seems to be able to muster is nothing more or less than to endlessly slag off that which we are supposed to enjoy, promote and embody.

It seems to me at least that the entire aim of the program is to take forgotten era cars and prove that with a bit of TLC and mechanical input, that they can prove to be valued again and possibly even collectors items, surely something that can only benefit any existing P38 owner.

I sure recall the program about the Peugeot GTI i once owned
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White 205? Ye, remember that one.
As someone has already pointed out on here (maybe this post), this forum is full of faulty P38's, each one of them has an owner with a never say die attitude who chooses to constantly throw money at it.
Now bear in mind that fact, as much as I enjoy owning my car, I don't enjoy only being able to use it for half the time I would like to, the other half, its in bits waiting to be fixed.

I don't however agree with the comments against 'Wheeler Dealers'. It would be interesting viewing to see a P38 done, especially if it has ALL the common faults and goes through a repair option for each.

As for slagging off P38's, its cost me thousands to be a part of that club and I will exercise my right to put mine down at every opportunity until its fixed (never?) hehe.
a place supposedly full of enthusiasts, a request for help, and the best that this forum seems to be able to muster is nothing more or less than to endlessly slag off that which we are supposed to enjoy

Easy Colin, dont include all the good members who read the initial post and acted as instructed...
Yea, Quite right Cormac, I forgot about those, must have had my head buried in my hands :rolleyes:

Anyway i edited my post accordingly ;)
Yea, Quite right Cormac, I forgot about those, must have had my head buried in my hands :rolleyes:

Anyway i edited my post accordingly ;)

Well they can borrow mine if they want, a good valet and it will be as good as any around. Everything works on it as it should. But it is a diesel, cannot think they would want anything but a gas guzzler with LPG to play with.:D:D:D
OK, V8hotrod boy, forgive my ignorance - what the devil is "PM" him>

Send him a PM (personal message) Click on his name that will bring up his personal details. Click contact information. Then click send a personal message to wheeler dealer. Type out the message and click send.
Hey my Range Rover is pristine, and Ed won't find much wrong (I hope)
I have a 1998 2.5 DSE in pristine cond and all original.
Contact me
Iv a mint p38,would i let mike thrash it round an old airfield,I think not.No way these guys would get near her.have you seen the fan*ies that go on their shows,obviously theyve no

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