At the end of the day you get what you pay for suppose I have had my p38 for 7 yrs done loads to it mechanically leccies too never wash it and it works well most of the time well everyday so far before that I had an XJR that lost me nearly 40k in 3 yrs so no new cars for me what I am trying to say is a new rr will lose a grand minimum per month I can keep mine on the road for a grand a year fooking brilliant value in my book
At the end of the day you get what you pay for suppose I have had my p38 for 7 yrs done loads to it mechanically leccies too never wash it and it works well most of the time well everyday so far before that I had an XJR that lost me nearly 40k in 3 yrs so no new cars for me what I am trying to say is a new rr will lose a grand minimum per month I can keep mine on the road for a grand a year fooking brilliant value in my book

Wise words.Many thanks i love my RR again !!!!
Well i have a very nice p38 thank you ,plus i would love to keep it that way, Ed seems to know his stuff and he could do with a car he can fit in Well now mike on the other hand is the biggest prick god gave breath too. ..... would you really let him loose in your pride and joy?????????? i dont think soooooooooooooo, how can he get that excited over an old car ??????his del boy charm and cockney accent gets right on my tits, so mike if your reading this.... **** OFF AND GET A LIFE YOU PLANK!!!!!!!!! Anyway love the show but with mike not in it keep up the good work:D:D:D:D:D:D


if you been watching the show for a while i'm sure your agree the fat c--t needs to go on a diet toooooooo..... lol
Well i have a very nice p38 thank you ,plus i would love to keep it that way, Ed seems to know his stuff and he could do with a car he can fit in Well now mike on the other hand is the biggest prick god gave breath too. ..... would you really let him loose in your pride and joy?????????? i dont think soooooooooooooo, how can he get that excited over an old car ??????his del boy charm and cockney accent gets right on my tits, so mike if your reading this.... **** OFF AND GET A LIFE YOU PLANK!!!!!!!!! Anyway love the show but with mike not in it keep up the good work:D:D:D:D:D:D


if you been watching the show for a while i'm sure your agree the fat c--t needs to go on a diet toooooooo..... lol

Very funny and unfortunately for Mike quite true !

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