I have the unit unlocked to the Discovery TD5, emailed and asked what I would need for the P38 4.6 V8

Reply was

NANOCOM unlock code for GEMS Code: NCOM17
NANOCOM unlock code for P38 Systems Code: NCOM16

NANOCOM Evolution Green OBDII lead (FOR P38) Code: NCOM23

When I looked that up on the site, found
NCMO17 £50.60
NCOM16 £102.23
Green cable - £50.60

So £ 203.43

Never even discussed delivery!
Cable price looks wrong, should be £20. maybe it includes postage.
The big hit is switching from Disco to P38.
Cable price looks wrong, should be £20. maybe it includes postage.
The big hit is switching from Disco to P38.

Don't know what it is now but postage costs from Cyprus for my Nanocom unit was about £38.00. Postman must have swam here with it strapped to his back, escorted by two gun boats. :D:D:D
It may only have a few lines missing, the problem would be identifying which missing line goes to which pin on the Nanocom connector.

Can you not just use a multimeter to check continuity from one end of the cable to the other? Or you think there is some electronics in between?
Can you not just use a multimeter to check continuity from one end of the cable to the other? Or you think there is some electronics in between?
How do you check the continuity of missing lines? It may have electronics, but I think not.
Found this on line not sure if it is accurate ?

What's the difference between Nanocom Evolution cables?
BLUE--------- Green---------------Nanocom 15 pin
5--------------- 5-----------------------15&8
7--------------- 7------------------------4
8--------------- 8------------------------5
9--------------- 9------------------------12
16 ------------ 16------------------------14

Might be correct, bit suspicious of the 15&8 connections though.
Had a quick look at my green cable, both ends are moulded plugs - not openable without destroying them, so BBS have probably had them specially manufactured and are just putting a 'healthy' margin on.

If I get a chance over the next few days to get a new battery for my voltmeter, I'll do a 'pin to pin' continuity chart which should confirm (or otherwise) the previously posted version.

The postage for my nanocom was £27.50 on the discount special offer in Nov '13.

How do you check the continuity of missing lines? It may have electronics, but I think not.

Pin 1 LHS - check all pins RHS for match (0 ohms). If no match then no way through.
Pin 2 LHS - check all pins RHS for match. If no match then no way through.
Pin 3 LHS - check all pins RHS for match. If no match then no way through.

Or am I missing something?
Pin 1 LHS - check all pins RHS for match (0 ohms). If no match then no way through.
Pin 2 LHS - check all pins RHS for match. If no match then no way through.
Pin 3 LHS - check all pins RHS for match. If no match then no way through.

Or am I missing something?
Yes, which pin at the OBD end goes to which pin at the Nanocom end?
The list I posted may or may not be correct, get it wrong and it may damage the Nanocom.
Had a quick look at my green cable, both ends are moulded plugs - not openable without destroying them, so BBS have probably had them specially manufactured and are just putting a 'healthy' margin on.

If I get a chance over the next few days to get a new battery for my voltmeter, I'll do a 'pin to pin' continuity chart which should confirm (or otherwise) the previously posted version.

The postage for my nanocom was £27.50 on the discount special offer in Nov '13.


@odyssey Did you ever get around to checking the connections on your green cable, or can anyone confirm that they've made a cable up according to the posted detail and have it work ok?

I'd also be interested to know if anyone has discovered what the pinouts are for the CAN BUS cable?

I've managed to save the pennies for the main unit but with postage etc the cables work out to be a bit prohibitive...

Thanks PU.

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