I just took that off th p s i web site I didnt look for the range rover p38 just took that as a general outlay... I will leave you in peace I MUST BE WRONG BECAUSE I ALWAYS AM!!! like I said earlier its gone from 19mpg to 24/25mpg it must be the wind pusing it along or maybe I am freewhelling down all the hills and trying to get sum drag of the hgv's in front of me god I would hate to right all the time
I just took that off th p s i web site I didnt look for the range rover p38 just took that as a general outlay... I will leave you in peace I MUST BE WRONG BECAUSE I ALWAYS AM!!! like I said earlier its gone from 19mpg to 24/25mpg it must be the wind pusing it along or maybe I am freewhelling down all the hills and trying to get sum drag of the hgv's in front of me god I would hate to right all the time

Look mate no body is trying to put you down. Depending on how you drive and where you drive what you say could be possibly true. My P38 is chipped. Around town i get between 16 - 20 depending on traffic. On any sort of a open road run around 50 mph i get 25 - 26 on the motorway a little better than that. Using cruise control as soon as you can anywhere improves fuel consumption. But the fact remains that you don't get anything for nothing, even the makers say they over fuel to get the extra power and torque there is no other way of doing it. If you drive up hills on cruise to work you must surely drive back down them. One day when setting off for work up your hill set the trip computer as you set off. And see what the consumption is going up hill and then do it again on your way home and check it down hill.
Now set your comp and go into a busy town and drive around in traffic for a while check it again it will be vastly different. Fuel consumption depends on how you drive, where you drive.
I have a '97 , 2.5 diesel ( not chipped so far as I know.) Have just returned from a 300 mile trip of mostly rural and motorway running. According to computer I averaged 29.5mpg.
I do mainly rural running and 28 is about average for me.
Hi all,
For what it's worth I've only had my P38 for about 2 months now and there is a marked difference in it's performance in fact it's transformed it! The week before I fitted the chip I drove to Bristol (140 miles) and it did 25 mpg and it wasn't much fun trying to cruise at 75 and with lots of gear changes :( the next week I fitted a chip and then drove to Coventry (160 miles) 80 all the way there and didn't change down once on the hills much more relaxed and returned 27 mpg :D. I know it's an improvement but it's not going to save the rain forest and I can only think it's down to the ability to hold top gear on the motorway.
hiya i have a 96 dse,i,ve seen a message on the dash(not my dash) saying AVERAGE MPG,how do i get this message up?or does it only appear on newer cars.cheers craig
dont bother mate they,r usless mine sez av 9.9mpgffs its doing 26/27 mpg,down a long hill on the overun it only does 12,5 mpg with no throttle on utterly useless.....dave
hiya i have a 96 dse,i,ve seen a message on the dash(not my dash) saying AVERAGE MPG,how do i get this message up?or does it only appear on newer cars.cheers craig
Pushing the bottom button on the end of the left hand stalk will cycle you through a number of messages including that one. It's notoriously inaccurate tho, so don't rely on the figures.
To start with I AM using the inbuilt MPG calculator: but having moved from straight diesel to rough 50/50 split with Veg oil, my AVERAGE MPG (reset each diesel fuel as I am somewhat anal about maximising it) has gone up from 28.5MPG to 33MPG, with the same driving trips (Oh and its not chipped, yet!)

An anomaly or real life?


Using my on board computer I have averaged 39.8mpg on a trip I did from glasgow to shropshire and back, total of 660miles, on the motorway i sat at 70 the whole way on motorway and did 100miles of the journey in the countryside. Normally the computer says i average 31mpg and that is usually hard driving.
I am like Datatek
keep all fuel receipts and brim to brim fill every tank,
then enter all data into an excel spreadsheet, as the more data you have the more accurate the average works out

My dash varies from 25mpg to 39mpg

but the spreadsheet works out at
24.308 over 12 fill ups

so Dont trust the message centre for MPG
Just retrieved the receipts from the rangie
now works out at 24.438 over 18 fillups

that included towing a caravan to the new forest and back and a p38 on a trailer from liverpool

happy with that
Thats pretty close to my long term average I think from memory. I have noticed a big difference in consumption winter to summer. With the aircon running I get at least 2mpg more in summer than I do in winter.
My long term average on the dash readout was 22.8 and actual filling up each time 23.5 I think so the long term figures were pretty near what I was getting. This was on the diesel of course.
With the GREATEST RESPECT to you guys I have to ask WHY you place sooo much emphasis on yer MPG .......You Can't "Change it" .....

You cannot jump in yer rangies & say .."OK I'm gonna drive Sedatly today" & tomorrow I'll drive like a nutter!!!!!!

It "Does" what it "Does" ..... Knowing what it "DOES" doesn't change anything....I bought my P38 coz I like it/wanted it....

I fill it up when the light comes on & then drive it when the light comes on again I fill it up again ....END OF!!

If I had an Excel spreadsheet that told me I had used 3 or 5 or 9 K in fuel in 12 months I'd be MORTIFIED!!! ......Just enjoy the "Driving experience" guys ... THATS the REAL reason you bought a P38
With the GREATEST RESPECT to you guys I have to ask WHY you place sooo much emphasis on yer MPG .......You Can't "Change it" .....

You cannot jump in yer rangies & say .."OK I'm gonna drive Sedatly today" & tomorrow I'll drive like a nutter!!!!!!

It "Does" what it "Does" ..... Knowing what it "DOES" doesn't change anything....I bought my P38 coz I like it/wanted it....

I fill it up when the light comes on & then drive it when the light comes on again I fill it up again ....END OF!!

If I had an Excel spreadsheet that told me I had used 3 or 5 or 9 K in fuel in 12 months I'd be MORTIFIED!!! ......Just enjoy the "Driving experience" guys ... THATS the REAL reason you bought a P38

Agree to a large extent with what your saying here Keith. Speadsheet fuel monitoring is a little anal for me. The fuel computer, whilst not the most accurate thing on earth in some cases, is quite adiquate for measuring what it's there to measure. It may not give a totally accurate reading of ACTUAL consumption, but if you keep an eye on it you will get an idea if something is going in the wrong direction. A sudden low reading may indicate a fault for instance. Monitoring things on vehicles can save you a lot of cash. How many times do you read "Car boiled over without reason" on here. Now sometimes they do, sudden failure is always possible. But mostly there is a cause and effect. Checking the water level every week may never produce any water loss. But the one time it does should ring a bell, same with oil levels. As i said earlier speadsheets are a little anal but if you put £20.00 in your beast every other day and suddenly it fell to every day with the same mileage, you would surely be looking for a reason why.
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Agree to a large extent with what your saying here Keith. Speadsheet fuel monitoring is a little anal for me. The fuel computer, whilst not the most accurate thing on earth in some cases, is quite adiquate for measuring what it's there to measure. It may not give a totally accurate reading of ACTUAL consumption, but if you keep an eye on it you will get an idea if something is going in the wrong direction. A sudden low reading may indicate a fault for instance. Monitoring things on vehicles can save you a lot of cash. How many times do you read "Car boiled over without reason" on here. Now sometimes they do, sudden failure is always possible. But mostly there is a cause and effect. Checking the water level every week may never produce any water loss. But the one time it does should ring a bell, same with oil levels. As i said earlier speadsheets are a little anal but if you put £20.00 in your beast every other day and suddenly it fell to every day with the same mileage, you would surely be looking for a reason why.

Now THAT Tony I totally aggree with ... but the idea of keeping a spreadsheet .. is .......Well. ...........Just WRONG!!!!
As Wammers says, keeping an eye on consumption often provides an early warning of something wrong.
I use a spreadsheet, but only because it is set up to do the ltr and KM conversions for me - I like to see what MPG I am getting out of the car and the bike, and now as I move into LPG the onboard computer will not help me.

It is a great early warning system
I use a spreadsheet, but only because it is set up to do the ltr and KM conversions for me - I like to see what MPG I am getting out of the car and the bike, and now as I move into LPG the onboard computer will not help me.

It is a great early warning system

So yer puttin 1986 fog lights on & you use a spreadsheet ....Oh Dear!!!

Ooppsss!!!! I just noticed yer carrin a LARGE GUN in yer Avatar .... YES!! I think using a spreadsheet is great & fog lights are a MUST fer any Rangie!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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