
New Member
Hi all, bit of a long story,
My p38 keyfob played up yesterday while i was playing around with the air suspension. i managed to put some other batterys in it and re-sync it (after alot of swearing) and got it going again. obviously it was unlocked at the time otherwise i couldnt have re-synced.

Today, i went to leave work and my fob wouldnt unlock the car (red light on fob not flashing) so i went back in, tryed different battery combos to no avail, then abit of solder to bulk up the contacts abit and it started working (must have been the problem all along). went back out, still won't unlock car (obviously needs re-syncing)

lock does not manually unlock car (should it? never has done) but once before i did need to enter EKA code after battery being left disconnected and managed to succesfully. so i tryed entering EKA code to get it to unlock but it wouldnt. (dash wasn't requesting EKA)

i then assumed the door lock microswitch is not working in the CW direction as lights only flash when turning ACW

i tryed breaking into car to unlock from inside as i know a way of getting in them, but it just set alarm off so i'm thinking maybe its superlocked?

i then opened bonnet (from underneath) and disconnected battery, when re-connected it is now asking for EKA but still won't accept it (still thinking CW microswitch broken)

so my questions are..

1: is there another easy way to break in with no smashed glass?

2: if battery is disconnected overnight, then re-connected, will it forget it was superlocked? i.e i can try my other way of breaking in

3: if i get a new key from main dealer (have keycare insurance so tempted to just ring up and say i lost key) will it work from the get go or does car need to be unlocked etc?

hope this all makes sense,

any help much appreciated

Does it feel like the key lock is connected to anything as the rod that connects the key to the lock mechanism may have become disconnected
well the funny thing is turning it Anti clock wise has less resistance than clockwise, yet turning it ACW makes the indicators flash whereas CW does nothing, should they flash from turning the key in both directions?
Hi all, bit of a long story,
My p38 keyfob played up yesterday while i was playing around with the air suspension. i managed to put some other batterys in it and re-sync it (after alot of swearing) and got it going again. obviously it was unlocked at the time otherwise i couldnt have re-synced.

Today, i went to leave work and my fob wouldnt unlock the car (red light on fob not flashing) so i went back in, tryed different battery combos to no avail, then abit of solder to bulk up the contacts abit and it started working (must have been the problem all along). went back out, still won't unlock car (obviously needs re-syncing)

lock does not manually unlock car (should it? never has done) but once before i did need to enter EKA code after battery being left disconnected and managed to succesfully. so i tryed entering EKA code to get it to unlock but it wouldnt. (dash wasn't requesting EKA)

i then assumed the door lock microswitch is not working in the CW direction as lights only flash when turning ACW

i tryed breaking into car to unlock from inside as i know a way of getting in them, but it just set alarm off so i'm thinking maybe its superlocked?

i then opened bonnet (from underneath) and disconnected battery, when re-connected it is now asking for EKA but still won't accept it (still thinking CW microswitch broken)

so my questions are..

1: is there another easy way to break in with no smashed glass?

2: if battery is disconnected overnight, then re-connected, will it forget it was superlocked? i.e i can try my other way of breaking in

3: if i get a new key from main dealer (have keycare insurance so tempted to just ring up and say i lost key) will it work from the get go or does car need to be unlocked etc?

hope this all makes sense,

any help much appreciated


The mechanical key blade should unlock the drivers door.
Battery disconnected will not unsuperlock the vehicle
A new fob from dealer will not work immediately as it has to be synced to the vehicle.
You should always ensure you drivers lock mechanism is functioning .correctly as it is the backup for the fob and vice versa.
People have devised various ways of gaining entry to a locked vehicle,I am sure someone will post a solution .;)
well i managed to enter the EKA code once before so to be honest as far as i knew it was working. is the connection between the key and the lock mechanical? i.e when i turn the key should it push the lock open, or does it just activate the switch which electronically pushes the lock open?
Right, so ive broken in (no smashed glass :) ) won't say how on an open forum.
anyway, got the doors open, and now it is unlocked it is recognising the key turns in both directions, only problem is it doesnt seem to be recognising my eka code? as said before i have managed to enter it once before and it worked ok :S

Anyone got any ideas?
ok so its going, don't ask me what i did because i don't know.

had a thought that it might not take eka code with tailgate open (was reluctant to shut it as this is how i broke in and it took a while) so put a screwdriver in the latch to fool it, then went and turned ignition on and it was no longer asking for eka code?!
oh well its running again!
going to take door lock off though and try sort that for future use. odd that it only recognises key turns clockwise when it is unlocked?


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