
New Member
here is what is wrong
the other night was instaling an alpine vehicle hub and as istaling the power acc and ground ect had a smal short as droped the live cable but picked it back up so was only shorting for a second.
and now i have found that the radio wont power up the speedo, rev, temp, fuel and trip screen dont work no power. also the interior lights flicker and also the light for the air con :(
Seconded, check the fuses underneath the drivers seat on the BeCM. Get out your handbook or RAVE to see all the different fuse locations and what each one does.

-Wills :)
i have found out that is is the ACC cable it emits no power its supost to output 12v when key is turned to ACC possition
can anyone help
yep :/
unless its a relay and i dont know what im looking for
does any1 know where the acc is controled from or where the fuse (if there is one) for it because i cant find it anywhere.
ok, which cable have you checked exactly AND what manual (if any) are you using to work out which wire does what??

-Wills :)

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