
New Member
hi there first post on here so wud be greatful for any help right here goes. replaced air spring on rear but its still says on dash eas fault does it need pluging in to a diagnostic just does nothing :confused:
Yes you will have to clear the fault. You can either download the free EAS software from www.rswsolutions.com and make a cable, or I can supply. PM me if you are interested.
If one airspring has failed, the others will probably be on their last legs, it's never a good idea to replace just one, the minimum should be an axle pair.
thanks for the info mite av go at makeing a lead and down loading progam but how do i make lead can you help:)
thanks for the info mite av go at makeing a lead and down loading progam but how do i make lead can you help:)

Instructions are on RSW site, But think it would be cheaper to get one from Keith to be honest.
thanks for the info mite av go at makeing a lead and down loading progam but how do i make lead can you help:)

Instructions for making the cable are on the rswsolutions web site, but as I said, I can supply. I will be away for 2 weeks from the 11th of this month so if you want a cable it will have to be quick or wait until after I get back:)
buy the cable ready made unless your farmiliar with the software that way if somthing dont work you know its not the connection
hi mate i live in dudley and have soft ware and lead if you want to try let me know! hope this will help you :welcome2:

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