mark smith

New Member
Hi all its me again. I placed a thread on 21.06.2010 asking for some help with my EAS faults. Since then i have tried all the replies i recieved, i have now got the 35 mph message on the message centre and the vehicale is down on the bump stops. I have just plugged in the laptop and run the EAS fault find software and its coming up with the following information;
4 RL signal incorrect
2 Pressure signal constantly high
3 Pressure signal constantly low
7 vehicale has moved
It then says to reset eas and it should be clear but it doesnt the message centre still reads the same. I have tried to find this information in the RAVE software and all i can find is refer to eas manual but i cannot find it in there am i total knob or is there a seperate eas manual?
So can anyboby shine any light on what these faults mean please. I have read one or two threads posted with fellow landyzone members getting fed up with constant EAS Faults posted but i have not seen one like this before so any help will be greatfully recieved.:confused:
Pressure signal high is usually the drive pack,(ANR3900) on the back of the EAS valve block failing.Constantly low usually means an air leak or knackered compressor.The RL signal incorrect is likely to be where the car has been driven on the bumpstops,hit a pothole hard enough to make the sensor go out of range.Or it could be a worn out sensor.
Have the compressor apart and check it,get a new drive pack on then try it would be a plan.

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