Hi Guys.

I'm going to change the engine mounts...
Should i plan to disconnect air con, oil cooler and radiator, or have I enough slack?
Hi donp personally I haven't had to do the engine mounts before but.personally I would remove v/ fan and cowling for clearance
Away from the radiator.start by supporting engine with a block of wood to spread the load and a large trolley jack start undoing one at a time if possible anything that gets in your way or is obstructing or any thing that will get squashed must be remove only remove what is needed always check for clearance whilst jacking to make room for removal of mounts be carefully and take your time double checking if your really not confident let someone who is do it .
Thanks 300td1

its been over 20years since I have worked my way around a car. And maybe a little longer since doing engine mounts. That was way before A/C etc.

I have postponed this job for a week or so, but will start as you say and simply take my time. I just have thoughts of problems spiralling, but here we go.
thanks again.
I keep following this thread in hope of finding the solution i have now touch wood, have mine running really well with no problems . All i have is this vibration issue but not convinced by anything heard on here as appears could be one of many things, Have had different people look and no one seems to be able to pinpoint. The problem being is that it is intermitent on mine sometimes don't get it for couple of days,then it starts, then stops again. have had a really good look myself underneath when had the exhaust replaced, poked about and such but all appears ok.
So guess i'll just have to keep watching the thread in hope. having said that it's not so bad can't live with it just annoying when you know it shouldn't be there.Maybe when have MOT done in August something might show up.:(
Hi Guys.

Well I set out to have a good go at this at the weekend and decided to do some more jobs at the same time.

1. air con regas/inspect with dye to see if any leaks.
sort any issues with air con
make up box and fit Datatek aircon motor cooling upgrade (this is really a great mod thanks again)
2. change thermostat (unknown history)

3. inspect waterpump (unknown history)
4. inspect crank pulley for wear
5. inspect engine mounts and change if shwoing wear
4. fit new drive belts

well. the condenser had 4 holes in it. So I fitted a new one.

thermostat replaced, water pump is fine, and....yep the Engine Mounts also fine!!

have run the car up and a relativly short test run, but the vibration is still there. In some ways there maybe more? not sure yet as I havn't had time to go for a run.
Now then this flex plate suggestion? can people give me some more ideas?

it does feel like something rubbing and you can feel it comming through the throttle peddle. my wife wants a L322, but all we need is this vibration to go away!!!

I'm putting a new exhaust on it soon so plan to spend some time quietly looking underneath to see if anything is rubbing...

best wishes.

Air con condener removed,
Hi kaisermax...

Above around 2200rpm the car is really sweet and smooth.

At tick over it is always there ( I think!)

below 2200 it comes and goes. as I think I may have said before, sometimes its there in second under power?? I must admit i should really take it out and log down when it does what. I'l do that soon and report back.
oh. and yes it switches off smoothly. If it didn't I would change the engine mounts - no question.
Hi Don that's where the difference is with mine, because the vibration is not there all the time i might not get it for couple of days or more even at idle, then all of sudden it will occur which is what seems to be so baffling:mad: I have friends with tyre and exhaust outlet when i had the exhaust done the other day we had good look underneath prodded and probed about but couldn't see anything that could cause it. so guess just have to keep looking, anyway all the best hope you able to sort yours out good luck.
Hello just to update you my flex plate was damaged as you know it is situated in the bell housing, I would say mine was more of noise in neutral and whilst driving the noise was still there it would only caus a vibration at the peak of each gear change ( auto box) just before 3000 revs due to the unbalanced nature of the fault . I would say it was easy to know that it was a flex plate due to noise from bell housing . It's very hard to say what yours could be I would of thought the usual checks for play in the propshaft exhausts can rattle against frames and all the previous things that have been coverd if you can define vibration to me is like a light faint rumble/ rattle buss or there is a more defined knock banging tapping is it at idle does it change with the revs any changes when a gear is selected is it the same when moving/ braking coasting by putting all these factors together could help with the diagnostics to your problem.
hi 300Td1
it is def a light faint rumble/ rattle bus.

had a run out today and I would say its always there but sometimes stronger than other times. I think I should simply change the engine mounts.

any suggestions where i should get good ones from?
SOrry just read thro threads again did you undo inspection plate in bell housing and insert a pipe just a little and listen as suggested??? Carefully moving parts inside !
Don you near w sussex by any chance I could have a look for you this weekend ps try island 4x4 for mounts
Sorry, no not done the check.

I need to do this but weather has been against me.

Based in the midlands so a little far away.

much appraciate the offer.

bolting my windows and doors down as present!
Ah don shame your so far I was thinking the other day that you said it was from the gearbox area it could of course be the transfer box chain but it hard to determin through writing The gearbox itself would not make anoise in neutral I also staring to wonder if it is this at all because if it were say flex plate once underneath it was quiet prominent ie you couldn't miss it but then I am used to poking about under cars also just a suggestion when mine was at idle say in nutral I did notice that when I put it in any gear briefly just brifly it went slightly quieter for a moment say dulled a little for less than a second say please excuse my spelling.

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