Good afternoon all,

I'm new to the forum, please be gentle with me

So iv'e bought a December 1999 registered (S) P38 2.5 DSE, automatic, navy blue.126,000 miles on the clock.

Absolutely love the truck, very smooth and for the most part, everything works.

I do however have an issue with the injector light and it coming on on occasion and then cutting power, over the last couple of days iv'e noticed a pattern forming....

1st start and use of the day, absolutely fine, no issues. Pulling well, smooth etc etc. Drive for around 20mins, switch off. Jump back in 10mins later and the injector light is on, power cut and will stay on for the duration of journey.

Stop truck, give it 30mins to an hour, fire back up , no injector light and no loss of power.

Seems to be when warm basically, **** off and back on and then the light Is on.

Filled the tank yesterday and put some cleaner in, I can't imagine it's going to do anything but one can only try for a 'cheap fix' lol.

Anybody had this issue and resolved it?

Iv'e had a quick nose under the bonnet, I have a very much diy knowlegege of merchants, mess around with my Subarus etc but I'm no eintsein. Nothing obvious amiss with the injector manifold and associated pipework.

As a sidenote, i also have no heater blower working. Everything is illuminated on the heater control, all buttons work, just no blower. When driving, I'm getting natural draught heat through when turned up.

Thanks all in advance for any information.

Erm..... do you have any sort of diagnostic tool? Might be worth checking if there's any error codes which might help you diagnose the problem before spending any money.
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Erm..... I had something similar... probably the same thing but much less severe.

The car would work just fine, except that whenever I took my foot completely off the accelerator while at speed, say from 25% throttle to 0 throttle, the engine would cut out and remain so until I started to depress the accelerator pedal again, whereupon the engine would fire up and I'd be on my way. Much like this start/stop feature you see on modern cars.... but without the car actually stopping, if you see what I mean.

Turned out I needed to have the FIP rebuilt. That sorted it, and it's been fine since.

Thanks for your reply, I've experienced no 'stalling' of engine so to speak, can run it right down to idle and its fine, just underpowered when the light is on, I guess its the limp mode with these range rovers.
The strange thing is, from a cold start it seems to be perfect, a hot start then it comes on. If there was a dodgy coil/solenoid 'dropping out' , I'd expect it to be happening when she's been running so to speak.

The FIP actually looks fairly new/ rebuilt with some yellow marker paint over the bolts, but I can't confirm that as the history of the truck is a little vague.

Thanks for your input
Hi actually forget all that. I've edited my post to delete all that too. I think really the first step is to interrogate the ECU to see if it's complaining about anything.
Hi actually forget all that. I've edited my post to delete all that too. I think really the first step is to interrogate the ECU to see if it's complaining about anything.

I don't unfortunately , a mate of mine is a LR/RR specialist with his own garage, he's just a bit of a bugger (like we all are when we're busy) to get hold of him atm.
Will try and call in tomorrow hopefully.
In the meantime I thought it might be worth posting on here to see if there's anything obvious so I don't need to hassle him, however without a diagnostic I like you say not a lot worth doing first.
I don't unfortunately , a mate of mine is a LR/RR specialist with his own garage, he's just a bit of a bugger (like we all are when we're busy) to get hold of him atm.
Will try and call in tomorrow hopefully.
In the meantime I thought it might be worth posting on here to see if there's anything obvious so I don't need to hassle him, however without a diagnostic I like you say not a lot worth doing first.
I think that's the most logical first step. Anything you do with the fuel system on these cars is going to cost money- in the case of a FIP rebuild, a fair chunk- so yeah... try to see if the ECU has anything to tell you.

Also do start shopping around for some sort of diagnostic tool. I have a Faultmate MSV-2 which has turned out to be the single most often-used tool I have when it comes to the P38. 90% used on the suspension, 10% for the HEVAC. Zero use (so far- touch wood) on anything else... and it's been over 10 years since I bought it.
Little update.

So I went out in it this morning for neigh on an hour , first start of the day and straight on to drive. No issue at all, going like a Swiss watch.

Parked up at when I returned, switched off. 5mins later, I started again to move it onto drive, injector light on.

Left it all day until about an hour ago so the motor and everything else was cold. No light on and idling fine. Let it idle for the best part of 10mins, switched off, back on again and the light was on. I can pretty much guarantee if I go out to it in an hours time , it'll be off and I can go wherever until I switch off and back on again when the motor is still hot.

Checked all the obvious things I could, pipes wires etc. The FIP does look like its either new or reconditioned , its pretty clean and had that marker paint on the bolts that you sometimes see, so that somebody would know if its been 'broken in to'.

The one fuel line going into the FIP had a bit of oily kind of residue and the jubilee clip wasn't on the greatest so I've added another onto it just to poternially rule that out.

Certainly seems like some sort of sensor is telling the ECU there is a problem when its hot, but like I said previously if it was a solenoid or similar I'd expect it to flag the light up within a few miles of driving.

Thanks again for everyones input
^^^ Take heed of Wammers comment above what he dosent know about the dozzel is not worth knowing, always listen to him.
Good afternoon all,

I'm new to the forum, please be gentle with me

So iv'e bought a December 1999 registered (S) P38 2.5 DSE, automatic, navy blue.126,000 miles on the clock.

Absolutely love the truck, very smooth and for the most part, everything works.

I do however have an issue with the injector light and it coming on on occasion and then cutting power, over the last couple of days iv'e noticed a pattern forming....

1st start and use of the day, absolutely fine, no issues. Pulling well, smooth etc etc. Drive for around 20mins, switch off. Jump back in 10mins later and the injector light is on, power cut and will stay on for the duration of journey.

Stop truck, give it 30mins to an hour, fire back up , no injector light and no loss of power.

Seems to be when warm basically, **** off and back on and then the light Is on.

Filled the tank yesterday and put some cleaner in, I can't imagine it's going to do anything but one can only try for a 'cheap fix' lol.

Anybody had this issue and resolved it?

Iv'e had a quick nose under the bonnet, I have a very much diy knowlegege of merchants, mess around with my Subarus etc but I'm no eintsein. Nothing obvious amiss with the injector manifold and associated pipework.

As a sidenote, i also have no heater blower working. Everything is illuminated on the heater control, all buttons work, just no blower. When driving, I'm getting natural draught heat through when turned up.

Thanks all in advance for any information.

Welcome by the way;) truck and J**p belong on other forums:D
^^^ Take heed of Wammers comment above what he dosent know about the dozzel is not worth knowing, always listen to him.
Good shout, to be fair I hadn't noticed Wammers as the gent that responded, I picked up that he's a big deal on here and top bloke, I shall take note and update my findings, off down for a nose, been on dad duties this afternoon lol
Check the condition if the wiring and connector on number4 the Handle by the way,the only animal you can get a tasty casserole, a nice jumper and a good sh*g.:eek::D:D

Haha its a bit daft, I'm into my Impreza's and on a couple of forums, it started from there where some friends who iv'e met from the Subaru club scene think of me as a hill billy sheep molester with 1 tooth and 3 eyes because of where I live and how I come across to them
Come on man, truck is surely ok ?!!lol J33P one the other hand I completely agree with , that does annoy me....lots

Thanks for the welcome, did do a little intro last night and got pointed in the direction of this section
Only if your a Yank living in God's country..;) my last truck had six axles 480 hp and weighed 44tons loaded.
Come on man, truck is surely ok ?!!lol J33P one the other hand I completely agree with , that does annoy me....lots

Thanks for the welcome, did do a little intro last night and got pointed in the direction of this section
Don't forget that the first Land rover was copied from a Jeep.

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