Why the sensor is reading +whatever degrees I don't know. I thought the defaul was a minus number for some reason but my memory isn't that good. Stop solenoid is more worrying but did you mention you'd removed it? Ever seen a runaway diesel? There are some good vids on youtube.

Read the security section in RAVE. The pertinent part Wammers is on about is that it isn't just the EMS code from the engine module that has to match the BECM. It also needs a valid fob code from the BECM. The keys are programmed to each vehicle and the fob coeds are held in the BECM. So, if you've swapped the BECM over and not rewritten the fob code for the key fob then it won't allow it to start. Swapping the old BECM back will fix that, although you'll probably have to resync the key as there's a rolling code that gets added to the end of the fob code - this is why cloning keys isn't a good idea as each time you swap keys it has a different rolling code and needs resyncing again..

Bit from the Nanocom guidance I think he was referring to:

Immobilization Code: Only used on EDC and Motronic engine Management Systems (EMS). When the ignition is turned on, the BECM, providing it is in receipt of a valid mobilization code, from receiving an unlock signal from the correct key fob or having its EKA code entered, and is therefore not in an alarmed or immobilised state, sends a coded signal to the Engine Management System (EMS) ECU and in turn, the EMS ECU then compares against a code it already has stored in it. If the two codes compare OK, the EMS ECU allows the engine to start. This forms the basis of the immobilizer. If the EMS ECU or the BECM is replaced, the two codes will not match and it will not be possible to start the engine.
Ay up grrrrrrr, how are you doing? Not seen your postings for a while...;) get your internet sorted.:D
Ay up grrrrrrr, how are you doing? Not seen your postings for a while...;) get your internet sorted.:D

No, mate. Been busy with work and doing up a house. Just visitng my mother at the moment and having a play in the snow. Got a decent dollop on the hills!
No, mate. Been busy with work and doing up a house. Just visitng my mother at the moment and having a play in the snow. Got a decent dollop on the hills!
I want some snow... Mind you, got plenty of mud here. Fancy a spot mud bogging?:D
How's you mum?;)
Are, sorry to hear that grrrrrrr.
Didn't mean to pry!!:oops:
I wish her all the best buddy. Sorry:(;)
Just for clarity, when i swapped over the becm i also took the remote, so the becm fitted has displayed engine disabled use remote, i press the remote the car then tries to start, i am aware the becm system is a bit of a mind field when causing problems
But the BeCM is also tied into some of the other items like the EMS?
I think all of these things need to line up for the engine to successfully start.
BeCM and fobs is "opening the car" security stuff.
I thought starting the car was a tad more.
But the BeCM is also tied into some of the other items like the EMS?
I think all of these things need to line up for the engine to successfully start.
BeCM and fobs is "opening the car"

security stuff.
I thought starting the car was a tad more.
Becm and edc codes all match.up
Just for clarity, when i swapped over the becm i also took the remote, so the becm fitted has displayed engine disabled use remote, i press the remote the car then tries to start, i am aware the becm system is a bit of a mind field when causing problems

The alarm will open and close with fob, but I don't think your key will sync with another becm when in ignition. Try locking and opening it manually. May be a Testbook only job?
The IAT sensor is currently disconnected as the manifold is off, would this stop it from starting? Will be having another go tomorrow with the car, the original becm and engine ecu have been refitted i will now be working with these units
The IAT sensor is currently disconnected as the manifold is off, would this stop it from starting? Will be having another go tomorrow with the car, the original becm and engine ecu have been refitted i will now be working with these units

No but it will give false readings on Nanocom. It's no good posting readings if half the stuff it takes readings from are disconnected.
@Liverpoolluke , did you check your coolant sensors?
Its a good point our wizard is making. With only half the connections made, you only get half the info the ECU needs...
And then you only get inaccurate results.. you need to get as much as possible back to a normal state, i.e, plugs and connections to then start looking back over the results to determine the outcome or problem.. easier said than done
Sorry ....;)
Just to throw one in the ring. Have you checked that the camshaft is actually turning and you don't have a snapped chain. Just a thought
Just to throw one in the ring. Have you checked that the camshaft is actually turning and you don't have a snapped chain. Just a thought

If he had a snapped chain the engine would be locked. Valves making love to pistons is never a good thing.
Unplug the sensor below inlet #4 and tell me what colour the sensor is. Should be green.

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