Looks like time's run out for clock guy......

His wife has probably run off with somebody with a Toyota Amazon - no more injector twaddle for her at 01.00.:)
Just noticed this thread, ... quite interesting ..... and got to the end expecting a revelation.... and @Clock guy has not been on since the 22nd September ! :(
On the Face of it, I've got to Hand it to you,I'm running out of ideas at an Alarming rate. Just a second I've thought of another,no it's gone like the sands of time. Who's had enough of this. I was going to say hands up but I've used that one already.:oops::confused:
Must say I'm watching this thread...but I feel a movement coming on so it might be a few minutes or maybe an hour or so before I clock back in... please nobody time me...peals of laughter.
Of course the OP could just be on a world tour of putting the clocks back an hour - in his game, time's money..............
COME ON OP...TOCK to us because any second now I'm going to throw my hands up in the air... so face up to what you started and wind up this thread.
On the Face of it, I've got to Hand it to you,I'm running out of ideas at an Alarming rate. Just a second I've thought of another,no it's gone like the sands of time. Who's had enough of this. I was going to say hands up but I've used that one already.:oops::confused:
How much time did that take?:p

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