
Hi all, I have recently developed a problem with a knocking when accelerating hard and believe the transfer box may have a stretched morse chain, having spoke to a P38 mechanic I think it may be easier to put a new transfer box on, the problem I have is a local breakers have version for petrol autos and I'm not sure if they are compatible, does anyone know if they are and if so do I need a coarse spline or fine spline version, the box is still on the car and not being a mechanic I wouldn't know what to look for, any help would be gratefully received.

Hi all, I have recently developed a problem with a knocking when accelerating hard and believe the transfer box may have a stretched morse chain, having spoke to a P38 mechanic I think it may be easier to put a new transfer box on, the problem I have is a local breakers have version for petrol autos and I'm not sure if they are compatible, does anyone know if they are and if so do I need a coarse spline or fine spline version, the box is still on the car and not being a mechanic I wouldn't know what to look for, any help would be gratefully received.


Diesel and petrol transfer boxes are identical as far as i am aware.
Hi, rang Joe, and he has one if I need one, although having read other threads in the forum it may appear to be something else, since I sunk all the electrics about 4 weeks ago a briercliffe I have had to replace the BeCM, the alternator and finally the starter motor gave up the ghost, all replaced now but when I got it back I took her for a run and there was a smell of burning electrics and a bit of smoke, the problems now are the right hand side suspension is on it's stops and although I can communicate with the EAS it won't reset the lock, and the noise from the transfer box started shortly after so now I think the BeCm may have popped something and this obviously affects the transmission ECU and the EAS, when I set of and the drive is under load I get a a knocking noise from the Transfer box, but once I ease off the throttle it drives fine, if I then put my foot down a bit the knocking comes back, any ideas or similar experiences would be appreciated.

If the electrics have burnt, it's possible that the Hi/Lo gears in the transfer box are not fully engaged. Sort the electrics first.

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