No virus on the one ive just d/loaded, did you uncheck the download mangager crap? I suspect prolly malware but no signs of a virus here.
Nathan I have no idea as I just clicked deal with it and let AVG do it's thing.
Hippo is your first name Richard by any chance?
Nathan I have no idea as I just clicked deal with it and let AVG do it's thing.
Hippo is your first name Richard by any chance?

AVG must be crap :D, seriously you cant post saying the links are a virus without stating what it is when other members have had no problem.
AVG must be crap :D, seriously you cant post saying the links are a virus without stating what it is when other members have had no problem.

Looks like I can :D In future I'll not bother and if a link stinks you can all get infected. Fex sake

oh and btw
AVG doesn't like the P38 file either.
I got strong warnings about Trojans on that site.

Nice assumption but WRONG Richard.
Oi gold rover

You've accused links provided by another member in good faith as being a virus, Either let people know what it is or shut up ;)

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